Embodiment and embodied design D Abrahamson, R Lindgren | 373 | 2014 |
Learning is moving in new ways: The ecological dynamics of mathematics education D Abrahamson, R Sánchez-García Journal of the Learning Sciences 25 (2), 203-239, 2016 | 307 | 2016 |
The future of embodied design for mathematics teaching and learning D Abrahamson, MJ Nathan, C Williams-Pierce, C Walkington, ER Ottmar, ... Frontiers in Education 5, 147, 2020 | 250 | 2020 |
Embodied design: Constructing means for constructing meaning D Abrahamson Educational studies in mathematics 70, 27-47, 2009 | 233 | 2009 |
Building educational activities for understanding: An elaboration on the embodied-design framework and its epistemic grounds D Abrahamson International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 2 (1), 1-16, 2014 | 216 | 2014 |
The Mathematical Imagery Trainer: from embodied interaction to conceptual learning M Howison, D Trninic, D Reinholz, D Abrahamson Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2011 | 193 | 2011 |
Making sense of movement in embodied design for mathematics learning D Abrahamson, A Bakker Cognitive research: principles and implications 1, 1-13, 2016 | 159 | 2016 |
Bringing forth mathematical concepts: Signifying sensorimotor enactment in fields of promoted action D Abrahamson, D Trninic ZDM 47, 295-306, 2015 | 138 | 2015 |
The enactive roots of STEM: Rethinking educational design in mathematics DD Hutto, MD Kirchhoff, D Abrahamson Educational Psychology Review 27, 371-389, 2015 | 137 | 2015 |
Eye-tracking Piaget: Capturing the emergence of attentional anchors in the coordination of proportional motor action D Abrahamson, S Shayan, A Bakker, M Van Der Schaaf Human Development 58 (4-5), 218-244, 2016 | 135 | 2016 |
Coordinating visualizations of polysemous action: Values added for grounding proportion D Abrahamson, RG Lee, AG Negrete, JF Gutiérrez ZDM 46, 79-93, 2014 | 122 | 2014 |
Hooks and shifts: a dialectical study of mediated discovery D Abrahamson, D Trninic, JF Gutiérrez, J Huth, RG Lee Technology, Knowledge and Learning 16, 55-85, 2011 | 117 | 2011 |
Learning axes and bridging tools in a technology-based design for statistics D Abrahamson, U Wilensky International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 12, 23-55, 2007 | 117 | 2007 |
Orchestrating semiotic leaps from tacit to cultural quantitative reasoning—the case of anticipating experimental outcomes of a quasi-binomial random generator D Abrahamson Cognition and Instruction 27 (3), 175-224, 2009 | 113 | 2009 |
Touchscreen tablets: Coordinating action and perception for mathematical cognition CACG Duijzer, S Shayan, A Bakker, MF Van der Schaaf, D Abrahamson Frontiers in Psychology 8, 144, 2017 | 105 | 2017 |
Dual-eye-tracking Vygotsky: A microgenetic account of a teaching/learning collaboration in an embodied-interaction technological tutorial for mathematics A Shvarts, D Abrahamson Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 22, 100316, 2019 | 101 | 2019 |
Toward an embodied-interaction design framework for mathematical concepts D Abrahamson, D Trninic Proceedings of the 10th international conference on interaction design and …, 2011 | 101 | 2011 |
Understanding ratio and proportion as an example of the Apprehending Zone and Conceptual-Phase problem-solving models KC Fuson, D Abrahamson The Handbook of Mathematical Cognition, 213-234, 2005 | 96 | 2005 |
Fostering hooks and shifts: Tutorial tactics for guided mathematical discovery D Abrahamson, J Gutiérrez, T Charoenying, A Negrete, E Bumbacher Technology, Knowledge and Learning 17, 61-86, 2012 | 90 | 2012 |
Teaching with embodied learning technologies for mathematics: Responsive teaching for embodied learning VJ Flood, A Shvarts, D Abrahamson ZDM 52 (7), 1307-1331, 2020 | 76 | 2020 |