Chandra Sekhar Chellu
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Cited by
Online handwritten character recognition of Devanagari and Telugu characters using support vector machines
H Swethalakshmi, A Jayaraman, VS Chakravarthy, CC Sekhar
Tenth international workshop on Frontiers in handwriting recognition, 2006
Identification of block ciphers using support vector machines
AD Dileep, CC Sekhar
The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings …, 2006
GMM based intermediate matching kernel for classification of varying length patterns of long duration speech using support vector machines
AD Dileep, C Chandra Sekhar
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 25 (4), 1421-1432, 2014
Neural network models for recognition of stop consonant-vowel (SCV) segments in continuous speech
CC Sekhar
Ph. D. thesis, Dept. of Comput. Sci. and Eng., Indian Inst. of Technol. Madras, 1996
A density based method for multivariate time series clustering in kernel feature space
S Chandrakala, CC Sekhar
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 1886-1891, 2008
Large margin mixture of AR models for time series classification
BV Kini, CC Sekhar
Applied Soft Computing 13 (1), 361-371, 2013
Neural networks based approach for detection of vowel onset point
Proc. Int. Conf. Adv. in Pattern Recogn. Digit. Tech., Calcutta, India, Dec …, 1999
Modular approach to recognition of strokes in Telugu script
A Jayaraman, CC Sekhar, VS Chakravarthy
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 501-505, 2007
Detection of vowel on set points in continuous speech using autoassociative neural network models.
SV Gangashetty, CC Sekhar, B Yegnanarayana
INTERSPEECH, 1081-1084, 2004
Extraction of fixed dimension patterns from varying duration segments of consonant-vowel utterances
SV Gangashetty, CC Sekhar, B Yegnanarayana
International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information Processing …, 2004
Spatiostructural features for recognition of online handwritten characters in Devanagari and Tamil scripts
H Swethalakshmi, CC Sekhar, VS Chakravarthy
Artificial Neural Networks–ICANN 2007: 17th International Conference, Porto …, 2007
Representation and feature selection using multiple kernel learning
AD Dileep, CC Sekhar
2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 717-722, 2009
Variational Gaussian mixture models for speech emotion recognition
HK Mishra, CC Sekhar
2009 Seventh International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition …, 2009
Spotting multilingual consonant-vowel units of speech using neural network models
SV Gangashetty, CC Sekhar, B Yegnanarayana
International Conference on Nonlinear Analyses and Algorithms for Speech …, 2005
Domain Specific Semantics Guided Approach to Video Captioning
M Hemalatha, CC Sekhar
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2020
Unsupervised deep metric learning via orthogonality based probabilistic loss
UK Dutta, M Harandi, CC Sekhar
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 1 (1), 74-84, 2020
HMM based Intermediate Matching Kernel for Classification of Sequential Patterns of Speech using Support Vector Machines
AD Dileep, C Chandra Sekhar
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 21 (12), 2570-2582, 2013
Combination of generative models and SVM based classifier for speech emotion recognition
S Chandrakala, CC Sekhar
2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 497-502, 2009
Acoustic modeling of subword units using support vector machines
CC Sekhar, WF Lee, K Takeda, F Itakura
Workshop on spoken language processing, 2003
A constraint satisfaction model for recognition of stop consonant-vowel (SCV) utterances
CC Sekhar, B Yegnanarayana
IEEE transactions on speech and audio processing 10 (7), 472-480, 2002
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Articles 1–20