Teedah Saratoon
Teedah Saratoon
Department for Education
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Cited by
A gradient-based method for quantitative photoacoustic tomography using the radiative transfer equation
T Saratoon, T Tarvainen, BT Cox, SR Arridge
Inverse Problems 29 (7), 075006, 2013
CLSM method for the dynamic observation of pH change within polymer matrices for oral delivery
MT Cook, T Saratoon, G Tzortzis, A Edwards, D Charalampopoulos, ...
Biomacromolecules 14 (2), 387-393, 2013
The contribution of shear wave absorption to ultrasound heating in bones: Coupled elastic and thermal modeling
BE Treeby, T Saratoon
2015 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1-4, 2015
3D quantitative photoacoustic tomography using the delta-Eddington approximation
T Saratoon, T Tarvainen, SR Arridge, BT Cox
Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2013 8581, 138-149, 2013
Statistical independence in nonlinear model-based inversion for quantitative photoacoustic tomography
L An, T Saratoon, M Fonseca, R Ellwood, B Cox
Biomedical Optics Express 8 (11), 5297-5310, 2017
Sensitivity of quantitative photoacoustic tomography inversion schemes to experimental uncertainty
M Fonseca, T Saratoon, B Zeqiri, P Beard, B Cox
Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2016 9708, 860-873, 2016
Gradient-based methods for quantitative photoacoustic tomography
T Soonthornsaratoon
University College London, 2014
Exploiting statistical independence for quantitative photoacoustic tomography
L An, T Saratoon, M Fonseca, R Ellwood, B Cox
Proceedings of SPIE 10064, 2017
How do manufactured nanoparticles enter cells?
J Rappoport, J Preece, K Chipman, I Argatov, A Davies, L Dyson, ...
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