Jorge Eduardo Díaz Suárez
Jorge Eduardo Díaz Suárez
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Towards a method to generate GUI prototypes from BPMN
E Diaz, JI Panach, S Rueda, O Pastor
2018 12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2018
A family of experiments to generate graphical user interfaces from BPMN models with stereotypes
E Díaz, JI Panach, S Rueda, D Distante
Journal of Systems and Software 173, 110883, 2021
An empirical study of rules for mapping BPMN models to graphical user interfaces
E Díaz, JI Panach, S Rueda, J Vanderdonckt
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80, 9813-9848, 2021
Are requirements elicitation sessions influenced by participants' gender? An empirical experiment
E Díaz, JI Panach, S Rueda, M Ruiz, O Pastor
Science of Computer Programming 204, 102595, 2021
Generación de Interfaces de Usuario a partir de Modelos BPMN con Estereotipos
E Díaz, JI Panach, S Rueda, O Pastor
Jornada de la Sociedad de Ingeniería de Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo …, 2018
Generation of user interfaces from business process model notation (BPMN)
E Diaz, S Rueda
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing …, 2019
Edubpmn: un método basado en reglas de transformación para generar interfaces gráficas de usuario a partir de modelos de procesos de negocio (bpmn)
JED Suárez
Universitat de València, 2020
New Transformation Rules for the EduBPMN Method to Generate Graphical User Interfaces from BPMN
E Díaz, JI Panach
2022 Third International Conference on Information Systems and Software …, 2022
Recommendations for the Development of Augmented Reality Video Games for Children with ADHD
AM Castañeda, OC Rios, E Díaz
Annual International Conference on Information Management and Big Data, 316-330, 2023
Improvement of EduBPMN Transformation Rules from an Empirical Validation
E Díaz, JI Panach
Annual International Conference on Information Management and Big Data, 299-315, 2023
Recommendations for the Development of Video Games to Reduce Stress in Young People
J Aldana, S Trujillo, E Díaz
2023 Fourth International Conference on Information Systems and Software …, 2023
GigMaleBPMN: Generation of Graphical Components from the BPMN Model Using Machine Learning
MA De_La_Cruz, LM Estrada, E Díaz, JI Panach
2023 Fourth International Conference on Information Systems and Software …, 2023
Una familia de experimentos para analizar las preferencias de los usuarios en el diseño de IGUs a partir de modelos BPMN
JED Suárez, JIP Navarrete, SR Pascual, OP Lopez
Revista de la Asociación Interacción Persona Ordenador (AIPO) 1 (2), 7-22, 2020
Uso de herramienta de ADONIS: CE en la Gestión de Procesos de Negocios de los procesos académicos de las filiales de la Universidad Alas Peruanas
JAM García, MIJED Suárez
Henry Patricio Paz Arias, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador Inês Dutra, University of Porto, Portugal Iván Carrera, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador Jhonattan Javier …
JM Vidal, JED Suárez, J Moreno, J Lucio, JFR Román, JIP Navarrete, ...
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Articles 1–15