Bernard Meulenbroek
Bernard Meulenbroek
Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, Delft University of Technology
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Cited by
The multiscale nature of streamers
U Ebert, C Montijn, TMP Briels, W Hundsdorfer, B Meulenbroek, A Rocco, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 15 (2), S118, 2006
Intrinsic route to melt fracture in polymer extrusion: a weakly nonlinear subcritical instability of viscoelastic Poiseuille flow
B Meulenbroek, C Storm, V Bertola, C Wagner, D Bonn, W van Saarloos
Physical review letters 90 (2), 024502, 2003
Weakly nonlinear subcritical instability of visco-elastic Poiseuille flow
B Meulenbroek, C Storm, AN Morozov, W van Saarloos
Journal of non-newtonian fluid mechanics 116 (2-3), 235-268, 2004
Experimental Evidence for an Intrinsic Route to Polymer Melt Fracture Phenomena:<? format?> A Nonlinear Instability of Viscoelastic Poiseuille Flow
V Bertola, B Meulenbroek, C Wagner, C Storm, A Morozov, ...
Physical review letters 90 (11), 114502, 2003
Multiple scales in streamer discharges, with an emphasis on moving boundary approximations
U Ebert, F Brau, G Derks, W Hundsdorfer, CY Kao, C Li, A Luque, ...
Nonlinearity 24 (1), C1, 2010
Streamer branching rationalized by conformal mapping techniques
B Meulenbroek, A Rocco, U Ebert
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (6 …, 2004
An empirical theory for gravitationally unstable flow in porous media
R Farajzadeh, B Meulenbroek, D Daniel, A Riaz, J Bruining
Computational Geosciences 17, 515-527, 2013
The effect of interface movement and viscosity variation on the stability of a diffusive interface between aqueous and gaseous CO2
B Meulenbroek, R Farajzadeh, H Bruining
Physics of Fluids 25 (7), 2013
Laplacian instability of planar streamer ionization fronts—an example of pulled front analysis
G Derks, U Ebert, B Meulenbroek
Journal of nonlinear science 18, 551-590, 2008
Regularization of Moving Boundaries in a Laplacian Field<? format?> by a Mixed Dirichlet-Neumann Boundary Condition: Exact Results
B Meulenbroek, U Ebert, L Schäfer
Physical review letters 95 (19), 195004, 2005
Construction and test of a moving boundary model for negative streamer discharges
F Brau, A Luque, B Meulenbroek, U Ebert, L Schäfer
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (2 …, 2008
Induced aseismic slip and the onset of seismicity in displaced faults
JD Jansen, B Meulenbroek
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 101, e13, 2022
Convective stabilization of a Laplacian moving boundary problem with kinetic undercooling
U Ebert, B Meulenbroek, L Schäfer
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 68 (1), 292-310, 2007
Network-inspired versus Kozeny–Carman based permeability-porosity relations applied to Biot’s poroelasticity model
M Rahrah, LA Lopez-Peña, F Vermolen, B Meulenbroek
Journal of Mathematics in Industry 10 (1), 19, 2020
Attendance and attainment in a calculus course
B Meulenbroek, M van den Bogaard
European Journal of Engineering Education 38 (5), 532-542, 2013
A network model for the biofilm growth in porous media and its effects on permeability and porosity
LA Lopez-Peña, B Meulenbroek, F Vermolen
Computing and Visualization in Science 21, 11-22, 2019
Process-based upscaling of reactive flow in geological formations
B Meulenbroek, R Farajzadeh, H Bruining
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 157, 119969, 2020
Numerical simulations and conformal analysis of growing and branching negative discharge streamers
C Montijn, B Meulenbroek, U Ebert, W Hundsdorfer
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 33 (2), 260-261, 2005
Streamer branching: conformal mapping and regularization
B Meulenbroek
An analytical method for predicting the performance of gravitationally-unstable flow in porous media
R Farajzadeh, B Meulenbroek, J Bruining
SPE Europec featured at EAGE Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-143420-MS, 2011
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Articles 1–20