Professor of Computer Science
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Cited by
Image denoising by sparse 3-D transform-domain collaborative filtering
K Dabov, A Foi, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian
IEEE Transactions on image processing 16 (8), 2080-2095, 2007
Ntire 2017 challenge on single image super-resolution: Methods and results
R Timofte, E Agustsson, L Van Gool, MH Yang, L Zhang
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Practical Poissonian-Gaussian noise modeling and fitting for single-image raw-data
A Foi, M Trimeche, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian
IEEE transactions on image processing 17 (10), 1737-1754, 2008
Image denoising with block-matching and 3D filtering
K Dabov, A Foi, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian
Image processing: algorithms and systems, neural networks, and machine …, 2006
Nonlocal transform-domain filter for volumetric data denoising and reconstruction
M Maggioni, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian, A Foi
IEEE transactions on image processing 22 (1), 119-133, 2012
Pointwise shape-adaptive DCT for high-quality denoising and deblocking of grayscale and color images
A Foi, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian
IEEE transactions on image processing 16 (5), 1395-1411, 2007
BM3D frames and variational image deblurring
A Danielyan, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian
IEEE Transactions on image processing 21 (4), 1715-1728, 2011
BM3D image denoising with shape-adaptive principal component analysis
K Dabov, A Foi, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian
SPARS'09-Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations, 2009
Color image denoising via sparse 3D collaborative filtering with grouping constraint in luminance-chrominance space
K Dabov, A Foi, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian
2007 IEEE international conference on image processing 1, I-313-I-316, 2007
From local kernel to nonlocal multiple-model image denoising
V Katkovnik, A Foi, K Egiazarian, J Astola
International journal of computer vision 86, 1-32, 2010
Instantaneous frequency estimation using the Wigner distribution with varying and data-driven window length
V Katkovnik, L Stankovic
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 46 (9), 2315-2325, 1998
High-resolution signal processing for a switch antenna array FMCW radar with a single channel receiver
V Katkovnik, MS Lee, YH Kim
Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop Proceedings, 2002 …, 2002
Local approximation techniques in signal and image processing
V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian, J Astola
SPIE, 2006
A new method for varying adaptive bandwidth selection
V Katkovnik
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 47 (9), 2567-2571, 1999
Compressed sensing image reconstruction via recursive spatially adaptive filtering
K Egiazarian, A Foi, V Katkovnik
2007 IEEE International Conference on image processing 1, I-549-I-552, 2007
Compressive sensing computational ghost imaging
V Katkovnik, J Astola
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 29 (8), 1556-1567, 2012
Adaptive window size image de-noising based on intersection of confidence intervals (ICI) rule
V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian, J Astola
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 16, 223-235, 2002
Spatially adaptive color filter array interpolation for noiseless and noisy data
D Paliy, V Katkovnik, R Bilcu, S Alenius, K Egiazarian
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 17 (3), 105-122, 2007
Nonlocality-reinforced convolutional neural networks for image denoising
C Cruz, A Foi, V Katkovnik, K Egiazarian
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 25 (8), 1216-1220, 2018
Algorithm for the instantaneous frequency estimation using time-frequency distributions with adaptive window width
LJ Stanković, V Katkovnik
9th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 1998), 1-4, 1998
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Articles 1–20