Pablo Garaizar
Cited by
Cited by
Neuromyths in education: Prevalence among Spanish teachers and an exploration of cross-cultural variation
M Ferrero, P Garaizar, MA Vadillo
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 195467, 2016
Mining twitter: A source for psychological wisdom of the crowds
UD Reips, P Garaizar
Behavior research methods 43, 635-642, 2011
Creativity in the acquisition of computational thinking
A Hershkovitz, R Sitman, R Israel-Fishelson, A Eguíluz, P Garaizar, ...
Interactive Learning Environments 27 (5-6), 628-644, 2019
Measuring software timing errors in the presentation of visual stimuli in cognitive neuroscience experiments
P Garaizar, MA Vadillo, D López-de-Ipiña, H Matute
PloS one 9 (1), e85108, 2014
Fishing for phishers. Improving Internet users' sensitivity to visual deception cues to prevent electronic fraud
MM Moreno-Fernández, F Blanco, P Garaizar, H Matute
Computers in Human Behavior 69, 421-436, 2017
ARIIMA: a real IoT implementation of a machine-learning architecture for reducing energy consumption
D Ventura, D Casado-Mansilla, J López-de-Armentia, P Garaizar, ...
Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Personalisation and User …, 2014
Smartphone sensor accuracy varies from device to device in mobile research: The case of spatial orientation
T Kuhlmann, P Garaizar, UD Reips
Behavior research methods 53, 22-33, 2021
A pragmatic approach for evaluating and accrediting digital competence of digital profiles: A case study of entrepreneurs and remote workers
J Bartolomé, P Garaizar, X Larrucea
Technology, Knowledge and Learning 27 (3), 843-878, 2022
The associations between computational thinking and creativity: The role of personal characteristics
R Israel-Fishelson, A Hershkovitz, A Eguíluz, P Garaizar, M Guenaga
Journal of Educational Computing Research 58 (8), 1415-1447, 2021
Exploring the progression of early programmers in a set of computational thinking challenges via clickstream analysis
A Eguiluz, M Guenaga, P Garaizar, C Olivares-Rodriguez
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 8 (1), 256-261, 2017
Accuracy and precision of visual stimulus timing in PsychoPy: No timing errors in standard usage
P Garaizar, MA Vadillo
PloS one 9 (11), e112033, 2014
Best practices: Two Web-browser-based methods for stimulus presentation in behavioral experiments with high-resolution timing requirements
P Garaizar, UD Reips
Behavior Research Methods 51, 1441-1453, 2019
Content and source analysis of popular tweets following a recent case of diphtheria in Spain
T Porat, P Garaizar, M Ferrero, H Jones, M Ashworth, MA Vadillo
European journal of public health 29 (1), 117-122, 2019
The impact of female role models leading a group mentoring program to promote STEM vocations among young girls
M Guenaga, A Eguíluz, P Garaizar, A Mimenza
Sustainability 14 (3), 1420, 2022
Use of a simulated social network as an educational tool to enhance teacher digital competence
A Gordillo, E Barra, P Garaizar, S López-Pernas
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 16 (1), 107-114, 2021
Build your own social network laboratory with Social Lab: A tool for research in social media
P Garaizar, UD Reips
Behavior research methods 46, 430-438, 2014
Presentation accuracy of the web revisited: Animation methods in the HTML5 era
P Garaizar, MA Vadillo, D López-de-Ipiña
PLoS One 9 (10), e109812, 2014
How do students develop computational thinking? Assessing early programmers in a maze-based online game
M Guenaga, A Eguíluz, P Garaizar, J Gibaja
Assessing Computational Thinking, 147-177, 2023
A log-based analysis of the associations between creativity and computational thinking
R Israel-Fishelson, A Hershkovitz, A Eguíluz, P Garaizar, M Guenaga
Journal of Educational Computing Research 59 (5), 926-959, 2021
User perspectives in the design of interactive everyday objects for sustainable behaviour
A Irizar-Arrieta, D Casado-Mansilla, P Garaizar, D López-de-Ipiña, ...
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 137, 102393, 2020
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Articles 1–20