Marc R. Thompson
Cited by
Cited by
Embodied meter: hierarchical eigenmodes in music-induced movement
P Toiviainen, G Luck, MR Thompson
Music Perception 28 (1), 59-70, 2010
Influences of rhythm-and timbre-related musical features on characteristics of music-induced movement
B Burger, MR Thompson, G Luck, S Saarikallio, P Toiviainen
Frontiers in psychology 4, 183, 2013
Exploring relationships between pianists’ body movements, their expressive intentions, and structural elements of the music
MR Thompson, G Luck
Musicae Scientiae 16 (1), 19-40, 2012
Hunting for the beat in the body: on period and phase locking in music-induced movement
B Burger, MR Thompson, G Luck, SH Saarikallio, P Toiviainen
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 903, 2014
Effects of the Big Five and musical genre on music-induced movement
G Luck, S Saarikallio, B Burger, MR Thompson, P Toiviainen
Journal of Research in Personality 44 (6), 714-720, 2010
Relationships between perceived emotions in music and music-induced movement
B Burger, S Saarikallio, G Luck, MR Thompson, P Toiviainen
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 30 (5), 517-533, 2012
Crossmodal interactions in the perception of expressivity in musical performance
JK Vuoskoski, MR Thompson, EF Clarke, C Spence
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76, 591-604, 2014
Where is the beat in that note? Effects of attack, duration, and frequency on the perceived timing of musical and quasi-musical sounds.
A Danielsen, K Nymoen, E Anderson, GS Câmara, MT Langerød, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 45 (3), 402, 2019
Perception of expression in conductors' gestures: A continuous response study
G Luck, P Toiviainen, MR Thompson
Music Perception 28 (1), 47-57, 2010
Synchronization to metrical levels in music depends on low-frequency spectral components and tempo
B Burger, J London, MR Thompson, P Toiviainen
Psychological research 82, 1195-1211, 2018
Learning and synchronising dance movements in South African songs–cross-cultural motion-capture study
H Tommi, T Marc R
Dance Research 29 (supplement), 305-328, 2011
Interaction of sight and sound in the perception and experience of musical performance
JK Vuoskoski, MR Thompson, C Spence, EF Clarke
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 33 (4), 457-471, 2016
Music moves us: Beat-related musical features influence regularity of music-induced movement
B Burger, MR Thompson, G Luck, S Saarikallio, P Toiviainen
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference in Music Perception and …, 2012
Speed on the dance floor: Auditory and visual cues for musical tempo
J London, B Burger, M Thompson, P Toiviainen
Acta Psychologica 164, 70-80, 2016
Dance moves reflect current affective state illustrative of approach–avoidance motivation.
S Saarikallio, G Luck, B Burger, M Thompson, P Toiviainen
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 7 (3), 296, 2013
The application of motion capture to embodied music cognition research
M Thompson
Jyväskylä studies in humanities, 2012
Influence of musical features on characteristics of music-induced movements
B Burger, MR Thompson, S Saarikallio, G Luck, P Toiviainen
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Music Perception and …, 2010
Conscientiousness and extraversion relate to responsiveness to tempo in dance
E Carlson, B Burger, J London, MR Thompson, P Toiviainen
Human movement science 49, 315-325, 2016
Septal driving of hippocampal theta rhythm: role of γ-aminobutyrate-benzodiazepine receptor complex in mediating effects of anxiolytics
S Quintero, J Mellanby, MR Thompson, H Nordeen, D Nutt, ...
Neuroscience 16 (4), 875-884, 1985
Embodied metre: hierarchical eigenmodes in spontaneous movement to music.
P Toiviainen, G Luck, M Thompson
Cognitive Processing, 2009
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Articles 1–20