Sam Coppens
Sam Coppens
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Cited by
Cited by
Prov-dm: The prov data model
L Moreau, P Missier, K Belhajjame, R B’Far, J Cheney, S Coppens, ...
w3c, 2013
PROV-DM: the prov data model
World Wide Web Consortium
World Wide Web Consortium, 2013
Web-Scale Querying through Linked Data Fragments.
R Verborgh, M Vander Sande, P Colpaert, S Coppens, E Mannens, ...
LDOW, 2014
Functional descriptions as the bridge between hypermedia APIs and the Semantic Web
R Verborgh, T Steiner, D Van Deursen, S Coppens, JG Vallés, ...
Proceedings of the third international workshop on restful design, 33-40, 2012
R&Wbase: git for triples.
M Vander Sande, P Colpaert, R Verborgh, S Coppens, E Mannens, ...
LDOW 996, 2013
Git2PROV: Exposing Version Control System Content as W3C PROV.
T De Nies, S Magliacane, R Verborgh, S Coppens, P Groth, E Mannens, ...
ISWC (Posters & Demos), 125-128, 2013
Discovering meaningful connections between resources in the web of data
L De Vocht, S Coppens, R Verborgh, M Vander Sande, E Mannens, ...
6th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web, 2013
Automatic discovery of high-level provenance using semantic similarity
T De Nies, S Coppens, D Van Deursen, E Mannens, R Van de Walle
Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes: 4th International …, 2012
Automatic news recommendations via aggregated profiling
E Mannens, S Coppens, T De Pessemier, H Dacquin, D Van Deursen, ...
Multimedia tools and applications 63, 407-425, 2013
PROV-DM: The PROV Data Model: W3C Recommendation 30 April 2013
L Moreau, P Missier, K Belhajjame, R B’Far, J Cheney, S Coppens
World Wide Web Consortium. http://www. w3. org/TR/prov-dm, 2013
Bringing Newsworthiness into the 21st Century.
T De Nies, E D'heer, S Coppens, D Van Deursen, E Mannens, ...
WoLE@ ISWC, 106-117, 2012
Collaborative recommendations with content-based filters for cultural activities via a scalable event distribution platform
T De Pessemier, S Coppens, K Geebelen, C Vleugels, S Bannier, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 58, 167-213, 2012
Modeling uncertain provenance and provenance of uncertainty in w3c prov
T De Nies, S Coppens, E Mannens, R Van de Walle
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, 167-168, 2013
PROV-DM: The PROV Data Model. 2013
L Moreau, P Missier, K Belhajjame, R B’Far, J Cheney, S Coppens
URL: http://www. w3. org/TR/2013/REC-prov-dm-20130430, 2013
Provenance vocabulary mappings
S Sahoo, P Groth, O Hartig, S Miles, S Coppens, J Myers, Y Gil, L Moreau, ...
W3C Provenance Incubator Group, 2010
Reasoning over SPARQL.
S Coppens, M Vander Sande, R Verborgh, E Mannens, R Van de Walle
LDOW, 1-5, 2013
Publishing provenance information on the web using the memento datetime content negotiation
S Coppens, E Mannens, D Van Deursen, P Hochstenbach, B Janssens, ...
WWW2011 workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW 2011) 813, 6-15, 2011
Easy access to provenance: an essential step towards trust on the web
T De Nies, S Coppens, R Verborgh, M Vander Sande, E Mannens, ...
2013 IEEE 37th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference …, 2013
PREMIS OWL: A semantic long-term preservation model
S Coppens, R Verborgh, S Peyrard, K Ford, T Creighton, R Guenther, ...
International Journal on Digital Libraries 15, 87-101, 2015
Unifying and targeting cultural activities via events modelling and profiling
S Coppens, E Mannens, T De Pessemier, K Geebelen, H Dacquin, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 57, 199-236, 2012
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Articles 1–20