Anna Steidle
Anna Steidle
Professor, University of Appled Sciences Ludwigsburg
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Freedom from constraints: Darkness and dim illumination promote creativity
A Steidle, L Werth
Journal of Environmental Psychology 35, 67-80, 2013
You can’t see much in the dark
A Steidle, L Werth, EV Hanke
Social Psychology, 2011
In the Spotlight: Brightness Increases Self-Awareness and Reflective Self-Regulation
A Steidle, E Hanke, L Werth
Experiencing Light 2012, 2012
Promoting personal resources and reducing exhaustion through positive work reflection among caregivers.
E Clauss, A Hoppe, D O'Shea, MG González Morales, A Steidle, A Michel
Journal of occupational health psychology 23 (1), 127, 2018
In the dark we cooperate: The situated nature of procedural embodiment
A Steidle, EV Hanke, L Werth
Social Cognition 31 (2), 275-300, 2013
Energizing respites from work: a randomized controlled study on respite interventions
A Steidle, MG Gonzalez-Morales, A Hoppe, A Michel, D O’shea
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 26 (5), 650-662, 2017
Mindfulness and positive activities at work: Intervention effects on motivation‐related constructs, sleep quality, and fatigue
A Michel, C Groß, A Hoppe, MG González‐Morales, A Steidle, D O’Shea
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 94 (2), 309-337, 2021
Recovery in sensory-enriched break environments: integrating vision, sound and scent into simulated indoor and outdoor environments
B Sona, E Dietl, A Steidle
Ergonomics 62 (4), 521-536, 2019
Facilitation of creative performance by using blue and red accent lighting in work and learning areas
O Kombeiz, A Steidle
Ergonomics 61 (3), 456-463, 2018
View it in a different light: Mediated and moderated effects of dim warm light on collaborative conflict resolution
O Kombeiz, A Steidle, E Dietl
Journal of Environmental Psychology 51, 270-283, 2017
Psychologische Befunde zu Licht und seiner Wirkung auf den Menschen–ein Überblick
L Werth, A Steidle, C Hubschneider, J de Boer, K Sedlbauer
Bauphysik 35 (3), 193-204, 2013
Growth or security? Regulatory focus determines work priorities
A Steidle, C Gockel, L Werth
Management Research Review 36 (2), 173-182, 2013
Powered by virtual realities: promoting emotional recovery through technology-based recovery interventions
B Karacan, O Kombeiz, A Steidle
Ergonomics 64 (10), 1351-1366, 2021
Getting Close in the Dark: Darkness Increases Cooperation
L Werth, A Steidle, E Hanke
Experiencing Light 2012, 2012
Turning the spotlight on the role of light and colors in offices: How are performance, social interactions, and social perception affected?
O Kombeiz
How to create sustainable lighting for users? Psychological mechanisms underlying lighting effects
A Steidle, L Werth, J de Boer, K Sedlbauer
Proceedings Experiencing light 2014: international conference on the effects …, 2014
Not motivated to act during goal pursuit: powerlessness blocks motivation transfer in goal systems
A Steidle, L Werth, C Gockel
Basic and applied social psychology 35 (5), 477-486, 2013
Acceleration factor pandemic: A synthesis of e-government maturity models and public administration employees' perspective
J Kaesmayr, M Schorn, A Steidle
Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days, 19-32, 2021
Methodik zur Quantifizierung der Auswirkung von moderater Wärmebelastung auf die menschliche Leistungsfähigkeit
S Urlaub, L Werth, A Steidle, C van Treeck, K Sedlbauer
Bauphysik 35 (1), 38-44, 2013
Personal in Hochschule und Wissenschaft professionell führen
L Werth, A Steidle
Deutscher Hochschulverband, 2021
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