Khaled ElWazeer
Cited by
Cited by
A compiler-level intermediate representation based binary analysis and rewriting system
K Anand, M Smithson, K Elwazeer, A Kotha, J Gruen, N Giles, R Barua
Proceedings of the 8th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems, 295-308, 2013
Scalable variable and data type detection in a binary rewriter
K ElWazeer, K Anand, A Kotha, M Smithson, R Barua
Proceedings of the 34th ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming language …, 2013
Static binary rewriting without supplemental information: Overcoming the tradeoff between coverage and correctness
M Smithson, K ElWazeer, K Anand, A Kotha, R Barua
2013 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), 52-61, 2013
Binary rewriting without relocation information
M Smithson, K Anand, A Kotha, K Elwazeer, N Giles, R Barua
University of Maryland, Tech. Rep, 2010
Decompilation to compiler high IR in a binary rewriter
K Anand, M Smithson, A Kotha, K Elwazeer, R Barua
University of Maryland, Tech. Rep, 2010
Dynodet: Detecting dynamic obfuscation in malware
D Kim, A Majlesi-Kupaei, J Roy, K Anand, K ElWazeer, D Buettner, ...
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 14th …, 2017
Binary Rewriting without Relocation Information, Nov. 10, 2010, 11 pages
M Smithson, K Anand, A Kotha, K Elwazeer, N Giles, R Barua
University of Maryland, 0
Binary rewriting system
R Barua, K Anand, A Kotha, K Elwazeer
US Patent 9,448,788, 2016
FPGA implementation of an improved channel estimation algorithm for mobile WiMAX
K ElWazeer, MM Khairy, HAH Fahmy, SED Habib
2009 International Conference on Microelectronics-ICM, 280-283, 2009
System to discover and analyze evasive malware
R Barua, K Anand, A Kotha, K Elwazeer
US Patent 9,900,324, 2018
Deep analysis of binary code to recover program structure
K ElWazeer
University of Maryland, College Park, 2014
Affine parallelization using dependence and cache analysis in a binary rewriter
A Kotha, K Anand, T Creech, K ElWazeer, M Smithson, G Yellareddy, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26 (8), 2154-2163, 2014
RL-bin, robust low-overhead binary rewriter
A Majlesi-Kupaei, D Kim, K Anand, K ElWazeer, R Barua
Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Forming an Ecosystem Around Software …, 2017
CUSPARC IP processor: Design, characterization and applications
EEDO Hussein, SI Shams, MI Ali, AAZ Suleiman, K ElWazeer, EA Sobhy, ...
2010 International Conference on Microelectronics, 435-438, 2010
A stack memory abstraction and symbolic analysis framework for executables
K Anand, K Elwazeer, A Kotha, M Smithson, R Barua, A Keromytis
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 25 (2), 1-38, 2016
An accurate stack memory abstraction and symbolic analysis framework for executables
K Anand, K Elwazeer, A Kotha, M Smithson, R Barua, A Keromytis
2013 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, 90-99, 2013
Affine parallelization of loops with run-time dependent bounds from binaries
A Kotha, K Anand, T Creech, K ElWazeer, M Smithson, R Barua
Programming Languages and Systems: 23rd European Symposium on Programming …, 2014
A Framework for Robust, Low-Overhead Binary Instrumentation
A Majlesi-Kupaei, A Kotha, D Kim, K Elwazeer, K Anand, R Baura
ICSEA 2019, 19, 2019
Recovering Floating Point Variables from x87 Instructions
K ElWazeer, K Anand, A Kotha, M Smithson, R Barua
University of Maryland Technical Report, 2015
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Articles 1–19