Killian Levacher
Killian Levacher
Research & Data Scientist
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Diffprivlib: the IBM differential privacy library
N Holohan, S Braghin, P Mac Aonghusa, K Levacher
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.02444, 2019
Extraction and summarization of decision elements from communications
F Bonin, L Deleris, D Ganguly, K Levacher, M Stephenson
US Patent 10,832,009, 2020
The devil is in the GAN: backdoor attacks and defenses in deep generative models
A Rawat, K Levacher, M Sinn
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, 776-783, 2022
OntoSeg: a Novel Approach to Text Segmentation using Ontological Similarity
M Bayomi, K Levacher, MR Ghorab, S Lawless
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW), 2015
A framework for content preparation to support open-corpus adaptive hypermedia
K Levacher, É Hynes, S Lawless, A O’Connor, V Wade
International Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Hypertext: generic Frameworks …, 2009
Sensitive data policy recommendation based on compliance obligations of a data source
S Antonatos, S Braghin, N Holohan, K Levacher, R Nair, M Stephenson
US Patent 11,562,087, 2023
Defending deep generative models against adversarial attacks
M Sinn, K Levacher, A Rawat
US Patent 12,182,263, 2024
Defense of targeted database attacks through dynamic honeypot database response generation
M Simioni, S Braghin, K Levacher
US Patent 11,824,894, 2023
Managing regulatory compliance for an entity
R Nair, K Levacher, M Stephenson
US Patent 11,556,938, 2023
The mever deepfake detection service: Lessons learnt from developing and deploying in the wild
S Baxevanakis, G Kordopatis-Zilos, P Galopoulos, L Apostolidis, ...
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia AI against …, 2022
Identification, ranking and protection of data security vulnerabilities
K Levacher, M Stephenson, S Braghin, S Antonatos
US Patent App. 16/526,684, 2021
Slicepedia: providing customized reuse of open-web resources for adaptive hypermedia
K Levacher, S Lawless, V Wade
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM conference on Hypertext and social media, 23-32, 2012
An extensible De-identification framework for privacy protection of unstructured health information: creating sustainable privacy infrastructures
S Braghin, JH Bettencourt-Silva, K Levacher, S Antonatos
MEDINFO 2019: health and wellbeing e-networks for all, 1140-1144, 2019
The devil is in the GAN: defending deep generative models against backdoor attacks
A Rawat, K Levacher, M Sinn
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.01644, 2021
EvalUMAP2016: Towards Comparative Evaluation in the User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization
O Conlan, L Kelly, K Koidl, S Lawless, K Levacher, A Staikopoulos
Halifax, Canada, 2016
Towards evaluating the impact of anaphora resolution on text summarisation from a human perspective
M Bayomi, K Levacher, MR Ghorab, P Lavin, A O’Connor, S Lawless
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 21st International …, 2016
The ethics canvas
W Reijers, D Lewis, A Calvo, K Levacher, F Mohri
information technology 13, 199-226, 2017
Machine learning security threat detection using a meta-learning model
A Rawat, H Tuinhof, K Levacher, S Braghin
US Patent App. 17/118,648, 2022
The ADELE corpus of dyadic social text conversations: Dialog act annotation with ISO 24617-2
E Gilmartin, C Saam, B Spillane, M O’Reilly, K Su, AC Devesa, L Cerrato, ...
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
A proposal for the evaluation of adaptive content retrieval, modification and delivery
K Levacher, S Lawless, V Wade
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Personalised Multilingual Hypertext …, 2011
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