Gregor Klancar
Gregor Klancar
Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Tracking-error model-based predictive control for mobile robots in real time
G Klančar, I Škrjanc
Robotics and autonomous systems 55 (6), 460-469, 2007
Wheeled mobile robotics: from fundamentals towards autonomous systems
G Klancar, A Zdesar, S Blazic, I Skrjanc
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017
Time optimal path planning considering acceleration limits
M Lepetič, G Klančar, I Škrjanc, D Matko, B Potočnik
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 45 (3-4), 199-210, 2003
EKF-based localization of a wheeled mobile robot in structured environments
L Teslić, I Škrjanc, G Klančar
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 62, 187-203, 2011
Optimal cooperative collision avoidance between multiple robots based on Bernstein–Bézier curves
I Škrjanc, G Klančar
Robotics and Autonomous systems 58 (1), 1-9, 2010
Mobile robot control on a reference path
G Klancar, D Matko, S Blazic
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on, Mediterrean …, 2005
Wheeled mobile robots control in a linear platoon
G Klančar, D Matko, S Blažič
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 54, 709-731, 2009
A control strategy for platoons of differential drive wheeled mobile robot
G Klančar, D Matko, S Blažič
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 59 (2), 57-64, 2011
PDC control design for non-holonomic wheeled mobile robots with delayed outputs
EH Guechi, J Lauber, M Dambrine, G Klančar, S Blažič
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 60, 395-414, 2010
Using a LRF sensor in the Kalman-filtering-based localization of a mobile robot
L Teslić, I Škrjanc, G Klančar
ISA transactions 49 (1), 145-153, 2010
Wide-angle camera distortions and non-uniform illumination in mobile robot tracking
G Klančar, M Kristan, R Karba
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 46 (2), 125-133, 2004
Modelling and simulation of a group of mobile robots
G Klančar, B Zupančič, R Karba
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 15 (6), 647-658, 2007
Cooperative collision avoidance between multiple robots based on bezier curves
I Skrjanc, G Klancar
2007 29th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, 451-456, 2007
Evolving principal component clustering with a low run-time complexity for LRF data mapping
G Klančar, I Škrjanc
Applied soft computing 35, 349-358, 2015
A case study of the collision-avoidance problem based on Bernstein–Bézier path tracking for multiple robots with known constraints
G Klančar, I Škrjanc
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 60, 317-337, 2010
Optimal constant acceleration motion primitives
G Klančar, S Blažič
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (9), 8502-8511, 2019
A comparison of continuous and discrete tracking-error model-based predictive control for mobile robots
I Škrjanc, G Klančar
Robotics and autonomous systems 87, 177-187, 2017
Mobile-robot pose estimation and environment mapping using an extended Kalman filter
G Klančar, L Teslić, I Škrjanc
International Journal of Systems Science 45 (12), 2603-2618, 2014
Image-based attitude control of a remote sensing satellite
G Klančar, S Blažič, D Matko, G Mušič
Journal of intelligent & robotic systems 66, 343-357, 2012
Drivable path planning using hybrid search algorithm based on E* and Bernstein–Bézier motion primitives
G Klančar, M Seder, S Blažič, I Škrjanc, I Petrović
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 51 (8), 4868-4882, 2019
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