F. Javier López Martínez
Cited by
Cited by
Long Term Evolution: 3GPP LTE radio and cellular technology
B Furht, SA Ahson
Crc Press, 2016
Physical-layer security in free-space optical communications
FJ Lopez-Martinez, G Gomez, JM Garrido-Balsells
IEEE Photonics Journal 7 (2), 1-14, 2015
The fluctuating two-ray fading model: Statistical characterization and performance analysis
JM Romero-Jerez, FJ Lopez-Martinez, JF Paris, AJ Goldsmith
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (7), 4420-4432, 2017
MGF approach to the analysis of generalized two-ray fading models
M Rao, FJ Lopez-Martinez, MS Alouini, A Goldsmith
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 14 (5), 2548-2561, 2015
The Shadowed Fading Model: Unifying the and Distributions
L Moreno-Pozas, FJ Lopez-Martinez, JF Paris, E Martos-Naya
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (12), 9630-9641, 2016
A Comprehensive Analysis of 5G Heterogeneous Cellular Systems Operating Over Shadowed Fading Channels
YJ Chun, SL Cotton, HS Dhillon, FJ Lopez-Martinez, JF Paris, SK Yoo
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (11), 6995-7010, 2017
The - Shadowed Fading Model With Integer Fading Parameters
FJ Lopez-Martinez, JF Paris, JM Romero-Jerez
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (9), 7653-7662, 2017
A Comprehensive Analysis of the Achievable Channel Capacity in Composite Fading Channels
SK Yoo, PC Sofotasios, SL Cotton, S Muhaidat, FJ Lopez-Martinez, ...
IEEE Access 7, 34078-34094, 2019
Wireless backhaul: Performance modeling and impact on user association for 5G
M Jaber, FJ Lopez-Martinez, MA Imran, A Sutton, A Tukmanov, R Tafazolli
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (5), 3095-3110, 2018
Transmit Antenna Selection in Secure MIMO Systems Over Fading Channels
JM Moualeu, DB da Costa, FJ Lopez-Martinez, W Hamouda, ...
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (9), 6483-6498, 2019
A New Framework for the Performance Analysis of Wireless Communications Under Hoyt (Nakagami- ) Fading
JM Romero-Jerez, FJ Lopez-Martinez
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 63 (3), 1693-1702, 2017
Physical layer security in uplink NOMA multi-antenna systems with randomly distributed eavesdroppers
G Gomez, FJ Martin-Vega, FJ Lopez-Martinez, Y Liu, M Elkashlan
IEEE Access 7, 70422-70435, 2019
On the Bivariate Nakagami-m Cumulative Distribution Function: Closed-Form Expression and Applications
FJ Lopez-Martinez, D Morales-Jimenez, E Martos-Naya, J Paris
IEEE Transactions on Communications 61 (4), 1404-1414, 2013
Generalized BER analysis of QAM and its application to MRC under imperfect CSI and interference in Ricean fading channels
FJ López-Martínez, E Martos-Naya, JF Paris, U Fernández-Plazaola
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on 59 (5), 2598-2604, 2010
Physical layer security of large reflecting surface aided communications with phase errors
JDV Sánchez, P Ramirez-Espinosa, FJ López-Martínez
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 10 (2), 325-329, 2020
Generalized MGF of Beckmann fading with applications to wireless communications performance analysis
JP Peña-Martín, JM Romero-Jerez, FJ Lopez-Martinez
IEEE Transactions on Communications 65 (9), 3933-3943, 2017
An Extension of the - Shadowed Fading Model: Statistical Characterization and Applications
P Ramirez-Espinosa, FJ Lopez-Martinez, JF Paris, MD Yacoub, ...
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 67 (5), 3826-3837, 2017
Adaptive self-interference cancellation for full duplex radio: Analytical model and experimental validation
FJ Soriano-Irigaray, JS Fernandez-Prat, FJ Lopez-Martinez, ...
IEEE Access 6, 65018-65026, 2018
On the utility of the inverse gamma distribution in modeling composite fading channels
P Ramirez-Espinosa, FJ Lopez-Martinez
2019 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2019
Connections Between the Generalized Marcum -Function and a Class of Hypergeometric Functions
D Morales-Jimenez, FJ Lopez-Martinez, E Martos-Naya, JF Paris, ...
IEEE transactions on information theory 60 (2), 1077-1082, 2013
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Articles 1–20