Imageries of corporate social responsibility: Visual recontextualization and field-level meaning MA Höllerer, D Jancsary, RE Meyer, O Vettori Institutional logics in action, Part B, 139-174, 2013 | 129 | 2013 |
Dealing with ambivalences–strategic options for nurturing a quality culture in teaching and learning O Vettori, M Lueger, M Knassmüller Embedding quality culture in higher education. A selection of papers from …, 2007 | 62 | 2007 |
Examining quality culture part III: From self-reflection to enhancement O Vettori European University Association: Brussels, Belgium 12, 2012 | 55 | 2012 |
Shared misunderstandings? Competing and conflicting meaning structures in quality assurance O Vettori Quality in Higher Education 24 (2), 85-101, 2018 | 32 | 2018 |
Hermeneutische Verfahren: Verstehen als Forschungsansatz M Knassmüller, O Vettori Qualitative Marktforschung: Konzepte–Methoden–Analysen, 299-317, 2009 | 32 | 2009 |
Finding meaning in higher education: A social hermeneutics approach to higher education research M Lueger, O Vettori Theory and method in higher education research II, 23-42, 2014 | 24 | 2014 |
Dealing with engagement issues–an examination of professionals’ opinions on stakeholder involvement in quality assurance O Vettori, T Loukkola Working together to take quality forward, 32, 2013 | 17 | 2013 |
no short cuts in quality assurance–theses from a sense-making perspective O Vettori, M Lueger Building Bridges: Making sense of quality assurance in European, national …, 2011 | 16 | 2011 |
Linking quality assurance and ESD: Towards a participative quality culture of sustainable development in higher education O Vettori, C Rammel Sustainable development and quality assurance in higher education …, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
A clash of quality cultures: a conflicting and coalescing interpretive patterns in Austrian higher education O Vettori na, 2012 | 15 | 2012 |
Flexibilising standards? The role of quality standards within a participative quality culture M Lueger, O Vettori Implementing and Using Quality Assurance: Strategy and Practice. A selection …, 2008 | 11 | 2008 |
Curricula als work in progress?-Erste Ergebnisse einer lernergebnisorientierten Programmentwicklung O Vettori, C Schwarzl Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 2008 | 9 | 2008 |
Developing a quality culture through internal quality assurance: Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria O Vettori, K Ledermüller, C Schwarzl, J Höcher, J Zeeh UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Finding the right measure? An interactionist view on Quality Cultures and the role of quality measurement M Lueger, O Vettori 8th Biennial Conference of the International Network of Quality Assurance …, 2007 | 7 | 2007 |
Eine Frage der Wirksamkeit O Vettori, G Salmhofer, L Mitterauer, K Ledermüller Qualitätsmanagement als Impulsgeber für Veränderungen an Hochschulen …, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Eine Frage der Wirksamkeit? Für ein neues Forschungsprogramm zu Qualitätsmanagement im Hochschulbereich K Ledermüller, L Mitterauer, G Salmhofer, O Vettori Eine Frage der Wirksamkeit, 3-18, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
“Because She Loves What She is Doing”: Student Conceptions of Excellent Teaching O Vettori, J Warm Collaboration, Communities and Competition, 195-203, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
Dealing with the intangible: using the analytical lens of hidden curricula for a transformative paradigm of sustainable higher education C Rammel, O Vettori Journal of Education for Sustainable Development 15 (2), 234-249, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
In quality (assurance) we trust-don't we? B Kernegger, O Vettori Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 8 (2), 2013 | 3 | 2013 |
Universities and Rankings–the multi-purpose game O Vettori Proc. Third European Quality Assurance Forum, 2008 | 3 | 2008 |