Aqeel Hussain
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Cited by
Floating catalyst CVD synthesis of single walled carbon nanotubes from ethylene for high performance transparent electrodes
A Hussain, Y Liao, Q Zhang, EX Ding, P Laiho, S Ahmad, N Wei, Y Tian, ...
Nanoscale 10 (20), 9752-9759, 2018
Systematic investigation of the catalyst composition effects on single-walled carbon nanotubes synthesis in floating-catalyst CVD
S Ahmad, Y Liao, A Hussain, Q Zhang, EX Ding, H Jiang, EI Kauppinen
Carbon 149, 318-327, 2019
Highly conductive and transparent single-walled carbon nanotube thin films from ethanol by floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition
EX Ding, H Jiang, Q Zhang, Y Tian, P Laiho, A Hussain, Y Liao, N Wei, ...
Nanoscale 9 (44), 17601-17609, 2017
Large‐diameter carbon nanotube transparent conductor overcoming performance–yield tradeoff
Q Zhang, JS Nam, J Han, S Datta, N Wei, EX Ding, A Hussain, S Ahmad, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (11), 2103397, 2022
Tuning Geometry of SWCNTs by CO2 in Floating Catalyst CVD for High‐Performance Transparent Conductive Films
Y Liao, A Hussain, P Laiho, Q Zhang, Y Tian, N Wei, EX Ding, SA Khan, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 5 (23), 1801209, 2018
High-performance transparent conducting films of long single-walled carbon nanotubes synthesized from toluene alone
EX Ding, A Hussain, S Ahmad, Q Zhang, Y Liao, H Jiang, EI Kauppinen
Nano Research 13, 112-120, 2020
Silicon substitution in nanotubes and graphene via intermittent vacancies
H Inani, K Mustonen, A Markevich, EX Ding, M Tripathi, A Hussain, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (20), 13136-13140, 2019
Gas phase synthesis of metallic and bimetallic catalyst nanoparticles by rod-to-tube type spark discharge generator
S Ahmad, P Laiho, Q Zhang, H Jiang, A Hussain, Y Liao, EX Ding, N Wei, ...
Journal of Aerosol Science 123, 208-218, 2018
Roles of sulfur in floating-catalyst CVD growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes for transparent conductive film applications
S Ahmad, EX Ding, Q Zhang, H Jiang, J Sainio, M Tavakkoli, A Hussain, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 378, 122010, 2019
Aromatic plants as efficient intercrops under poplars (Populus deltoides Bartram ex Marshall)
K Singh, V Singh, A Hussain, SK Kothari
Indian Forester 116 (3), 189-193, 1990
Scalable growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes with a highly uniform structure
A Hussain, EX Ding, B Mclean, K Mustonen, S Ahmad, M Tavakkoli, ...
Nanoscale 12 (23), 12263-12267, 2020
Colors of single‐wall carbon nanotubes
N Wei, Y Tian, Y Liao, N Komatsu, W Gao, A Lyuleeva‐Husemann, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (8), 2006395, 2021
Atomic-scale deformations at the interface of a mixed-dimensional van der waals heterostructure
K Mustonen, A Hussain, C Hofer, MRA Monazam, R Mirzayev, K Elibol, ...
ACS nano 12 (8), 8512-8519, 2018
Electron‐beam manipulation of silicon impurities in single‐walled carbon nanotubes
K Mustonen, A Markevich, M Tripathi, H Inani, EX Ding, A Hussain, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (52), 1901327, 2019
Hybrid low‐dimensional carbon allotropes formed in gas phase
S Ahmad, K Mustonen, B McLean, H Jiang, Q Zhang, A Hussain, AT Khan, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (45), 2005016, 2020
Fast and ultraclean approach for measuring the transport properties of carbon nanotubes
N Wei, P Laiho, AT Khan, A Hussain, A Lyuleeva, S Ahmed, Q Zhang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (5), 1907150, 2020
Wafer-scale thermophoretic dry deposition of single-walled carbon nanotube thin films
P Laiho, M Rafiee, Y Liao, A Hussain, EX Ding, EI Kauppinen
ACS omega 3 (1), 1322-1328, 2018
High-performance transparent conducting films of long single-walled carbon nanotubes synthesized from toluene alone, Nano Res. 13 (2020) 112–120
EX Ding, A Hussain, S Ahmad, Q Zhang, Y Liao, H Jiang, EI Kauppinen
Carbon nanotubes: colors of single‐wall carbon nanotubes (Adv. Mater. 8/2021)
N Wei, Y Tian, Y Liao, N Komatsu, W Gao, A Lyuleeva‐Husemann, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (8), 2170060, 2021
Protein oxidation in the diaphragm of patients with COPD
E Barreiro, J Minguella, M Orozco-Levi, A Hussain, J Gea
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 167 (7), A28, 2003
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