Information system integration, enabling control and performance CS Chapman, LA Kihn Accounting, Organizations and Society 34 (2), 151-169, 2009 | 691 | 2009 |
Threats to validity and reliability in mixed methods accounting research EM Ihantola, LA Kihn Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 2011 | 469 | 2011 |
Approaches to validation and evaluation in qualitative studies of management accounting LA Kihn, EM Ihantola Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management 12 (3), 230-255, 2015 | 215 | 2015 |
Approaches to validation and evaluation in qualitative studies of management accounting LA Kihn, EM Ihantola Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management 12 (3), 230-255, 2015 | 215 | 2015 |
Performance outcomes in empirical management accounting research: Recent developments and implications for future research LA Kihn International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 59 (5), 468-492, 2010 | 75 | 2010 |
How do controllers and managers interpret budget targets? LA Kihn Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change 7 (3), 212-236, 2011 | 71 | 2011 |
Tutkimuksen laadun arvioinnista LA Kihn, EM Ihantola Laskenta-ajattelun tutkija ja kehittäjä Professori Salme Näsi 60 vuotta, 81-95, 2008 | 58 | 2008 |
Tilintarkastusta käsittelevien väitöskirjojen tutkimusstrategiset valinnat–Aihepiiri ja tutkimusote LA Kihn, S Näsi Annukka Jokipii & Johanna Miettinen (Eds.) Contributions to Accounting …, 2011 | 45 | 2011 |
Financial consequences in foreign subsidiary manager performance evaluations LA Kihn European Accounting Review 16 (3), 531-554, 2007 | 41 | 2007 |
Financial consequences in foreign subsidiary manager performance evaluations LA Kihn European Accounting Review 16 (3), s. 531-554, 2007 | 41 | 2007 |
Emerging diversity in management accounting research LA Kihn, S Näsi Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |
Comparing performance measurement approaches in accounting research LA Kihn Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 143-184, 2005 | 30 | 2005 |
Research strategic analysis of the Finnish doctoral dissertations in management accounting from 1990 to 2009 LA Kihn, S Näsi Finnish Journal of Business Economics, 2010 | 24 | 2010 |
Näkökulmia laskentatoimeen ja tilintarkastukseen J Heiskanen, LA Kihn, S Näsi Tampere University Press, Tampere., 2009 | 18* | 2009 |
Tilintarkastuksen laatu: ajankohtaiskatsaus tilintarkastuksen tieteelliseen tutkimukseen LA Kihn Näkökulmia tilintarkastukseen ja arviointiin, 2017 | 16 | 2017 |
An empirical investigation of the principal top management styles in the emphasis of multiple forms of controls. LA Kihn International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation 6 …, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
An empirical investigation of the principal top management styles in the emphasis of multiple forms of controls. LA Kihn International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation 6 …, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
Näkökulmia arviointiin ja valvontaan L Oulasvirta, LA Kihn, P Mänttäri, J Wacker Tampere University Press, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
The determinants of multiple forms of controls in foreign subsidiary manager evaluations LA Kihn International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation 5 (2), 2008 | 9 | 2008 |
Laatu kolmesta tarkastelunäkökulmasta: tekninen, kaupallinen ja palveluun liittyvä laatu [Quality from Three Perspectives: Technical, Commercial and Service] LA Kihn af Ursin, Klaus; Pekkola, Elias & Stenvall, Jari (Ed.) Felix byrokratia …, 2015 | 6* | 2015 |