Mascha van t Wout
Mascha van t Wout
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Affective state and decision-making in the ultimatum game
M Van’t Wout, RS Kahn, AG Sanfey, A Aleman
Experimental brain research 169, 564-568, 2006
Friend or foe: The effect of implicit trustworthiness judgments in social decision-making
M Van’t Wout, AG Sanfey
Cognition 108 (3), 796-803, 2008
Seeing is believing: Trustworthiness as a dynamic belief
LJ Chang, BB Doll, M van’t Wout, MJ Frank, AG Sanfey
Cognitive psychology 61 (2), 87-105, 2010
Reappraising the ultimatum: an fMRI study of emotion regulation and decision making
A Grecucci, C Giorgetta, M Van't Wout, N Bonini, AG Sanfey
Cerebral cortex 23 (2), 399-410, 2013
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex affects strategic decision-making
M van't Wout, RS Kahn, AG Sanfey, A Aleman
Neuroreport 16 (16), 1849-1852, 2005
Emotional processing in a non-clinical psychosis-prone sample
M van't Wout, A Aleman, RPC Kessels, F Larĝi, RS Kahn
Schizophrenia research 68 (2-3), 271-281, 2004
No words for feelings: alexithymia in schizophrenia patients and first-degree relatives
M Van't Wout, A Aleman, B Bermond, RS Kahn
Comprehensive psychiatry 48 (1), 27-33, 2007
Network mechanisms of clinical response to transcranial magnetic stimulation in posttraumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder
NS Philip, J Barredo, M van’t Wout-Frank, AR Tyrka, LH Price, ...
Biological psychiatry 83 (3), 263-272, 2018
Emotion regulation strategies in patients with schizophrenia
L van der Meer, M van't Wout, A Aleman
Psychiatry research 170 (2-3), 108-113, 2009
The influence of emotion regulation on social interactive decision-making.
M Van't Wout, LJ Chang, AG Sanfey
Emotion 10 (6), 815, 2010
The neural mechanisms of affect infusion in social economic decision-making: a mediating role of the anterior insula
KM Harlé, LJ Chang, M van't Wout, AG Sanfey
Neuroimage 61 (1), 32-40, 2012
Theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation for posttraumatic stress disorder
NS Philip, J Barredo, E Aiken, V Larson, RN Jones, MT Shea, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 176 (11), 939-948, 2019
Exploring the nature of facial affect processing deficits in schizophrenia
M van't Wout, A Aleman, RPC Kessels, W Cahn, EHF de Haan, RS Kahn
Psychiatry research 150 (3), 227-235, 2007
Combined transcranial direct current stimulation with virtual reality exposure for posttraumatic stress disorder: feasibility and pilot results
M van't Wout-Frank, MT Shea, VC Larson, BD Greenberg, NS Philip
Brain stimulation 12 (1), 41-43, 2019
Affective dysfunctions in adolescents at risk for psychosis: emotion awareness and social functioning
S van Rijn, P Schothorst, M van't Wout, M Sprong, T Ziermans, ...
Psychiatry Research 187 (1-2), 100-105, 2011
Social judgement in clinically stable patients with schizophrenia and healthy relatives: behavioural evidence of social brain dysfunction
D Baas, M Van't Wout, A Aleman, RS Kahn
Psychological medicine 38 (5), 747-754, 2008
Transcranial direct current stimulation may modulate extinction memory in posttraumatic stress disorder
M van ‘t Wout, SM Longo, MK Reddy, NS Philip, MT Bowker, ...
Brain and behavior 7 (5), e00681, 2017
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts digit span task performance
A Aleman, M van’t Wout
Neuropsychobiology 57 (1-2), 44-48, 2008
Can transcranial direct current stimulation augment extinction of conditioned fear?
M van't Wout, TY Mariano, SL Garnaat, MK Reddy, SA Rasmussen, ...
Brain stimulation 9 (4), 529-536, 2016
Fearful faces in schizophrenia: the relationship between patient characteristics and facial affect recognition
M Van't Wout, A van Dijke, A Aleman, RPC Kessels, W Pijpers, RS Kahn
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 195 (9), 758-764, 2007
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