Viveck R Cadambe
Viveck R Cadambe
School of ECE, Georgia Tech
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Interference alignment and degrees of freedom of the-user interference channel
VR Cadambe, SA Jafar
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 54 (8), 3425-3441, 2008
A distributed numerical approach to interference alignment and applications to wireless interference networks
K Gomadam, VR Cadambe, SA Jafar
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (6), 3309-3322, 2011
Approaching the capacity of wireless networks through distributed interference alignment
K Gomadam, VR Cadambe, SA Jafar
Global Telecommunications Conference, 2008. IEEE GLOBECOM 2008. IEEE, 1-6, 2008
Interference alignment and the degrees of freedom of wireless networks
VR Cadambe, SA Jafar
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 55 (9), 3893-3908, 2009
Short-Dot: Computing Large Linear Transforms Distributedly Using Coded Short Dot Products
S Dutta, V Cadambe, P Grover
Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems, 2092-2100, 2016
On the optimal recovery threshold of coded matrix multiplication
S Dutta, M Fahim, F Haddadpour, H Jeong, V Cadambe, P Grover
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2019
Interference Alignment With Asymmetric Complex Signaling—Settling the Høst-Madsen–Nosratinia Conjecture
VR Cadambe, SA Jafar, C Wang
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 56 (9), 4552-4565, 2010
Degrees of freedom of wireless networks with relays, feedback, cooperation, and full duplex operation
VR Cadambe, SA Jafar
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 55 (5), 2334-2344, 2009
Asymptotic interference alignment for optimal repair of MDS codes in distributed storage
VR Cadambe, SA Jafar, H Maleki, K Ramchandran, C Suh
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 59 (5), 2974-2987, 2013
Shannon Theory-Interference Alignment on the Deterministic Channel and Application to Fully Connected Gaussian Interference Networks
VR Cadambe, SA Jafar, S Shamai
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55 (1), 269, 2009
Interference alignment on the deterministic channel and application to fully connected Gaussian interference networks
VR Cadambe, SA Jafar, S Shamai
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55 (1), 269-274, 2008
Repair optimal erasure codes through hadamard designs
DS Papailiopoulos, AG Dimakis, VR Cadambe
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 59 (5), 3021-3037, 2013
Index Coding-An Interference Alignment Perspective
H Maleki, VR Cadambe, SA Jafar
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1205.1483, 2012
Local sgd with periodic averaging: Tighter analysis and adaptive synchronization
F Haddadpour, MM Kamani, M Mahdavi, V Cadambe
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Bounds on the size of locally recoverable codes
VR Cadambe, A Mazumdar
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 61 (11), 5787-5794, 2015
Coded convolution for parallel and distributed computing within a deadline
S Dutta, V Cadambe, P Grover
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 2403-2407, 2017
An Upper Bound On the Size of Locally Recoverable Codes
V Cadambe, A Mazumdar
Interference Alignment and the Generalized Degrees of Freedom of the Channel
C Huang, VR Cadambe, SA Jafar
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 58 (8), 5130-5150, 2012
Permutation code: Optimal exact-repair of a single failed node in MDS code based distributed storage systems
VR Cadambe, C Huang, J Li
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings, 1225-1229, 2011
On the optimal recovery threshold of coded matrix multiplication
M Fahim, H Jeong, F Haddadpour, S Dutta, V Cadambe, P Grover
2017 55th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2017
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