Sankalp Chaturvedi
Sankalp Chaturvedi
Professor, Imperial College Business School, London UK
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Leading mindfully: Two studies on the influence of supervisor trait mindfulness on employee well-being and performance
J Reb, J Narayanan, S Chaturvedi
Mindfulness 5, 36-45, 2014
Systematic review of the application of quality improvement methodologies from the manufacturing industry to surgical healthcare
CR Nicolay, S Purkayastha, A Greenhalgh, J Benn, S Chaturvedi, ...
British Journal of Surgery, 2011
The genetic basis of entrepreneurship: Effects of gender and personality
Z Zhang, MJ Zyphur, J Narayanan, RD Arvey, S Chaturvedi, BJ Avolio, ...
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 110 (2), 93-107, 2009
The role of procedural justice and power distance in the relationship between high performance work systems and employee attitudes: A multilevel perspective
PC Wu, S Chaturvedi
Journal of management 35 (5), 1228-1247, 2009
Leader mindfulness and employee performance: A sequential mediation model of LMX quality, interpersonal justice, and employee stress
J Reb, S Chaturvedi, J Narayanan, RS Kudesia
Journal of Business Ethics 160 (3), 745-763, 2019
The mediating role of emotional exhaustion in the relationship of mindfulness with turnover intentions and job performance
J Reb, J Narayanan, S Chaturvedi, S Ekkirala
Mindfulness 8, 707-716, 2017
Trust in developing relationships: from theory to measurement.
DJ McAllister, RJ Lewicki, S Chaturvedi
Academy of Management Proceedings 2006 (1), G1-G6, 2006
The heritability of emergent leadership: Age and gender as moderating factors
S Chaturvedi, MJ Zyphur, RD Arvey, BJ Avolio, G Larsson
The Leadership Quarterly 23, 219-232, 2012
Imprinting effects of founding core teams on HR values in new ventures
A Leung, M Der Foo, S Chaturvedi
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 37 (1), 87-106, 2013
Linking the fits, fitting the links: Connecting different types of PO fit to attitudinal outcomes
A Leung, S Chaturvedi
Journal of Vocational Behavior 79, 391-402, 2011
Empowering change: The effects of energy provision on individual aspirations in slum communities
P Parikh, S Chaturvedi, G George
Energy Policy 50, 477-485, 2012
Job performance over time is a function of latent trajectories and previous performance.
MJ Zyphur, S Chaturvedi, RD Arvey
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (1), 217, 2008
What do I want? The effects of individual aspiration and relational capability on collaboration preferences
SJD Schillebeeckx, S Chaturvedi, G George, Z King
Strategic Management Journal 37 (7), 1493-1506, 2016
A dynamic model of trust and commitment development in strategic alliances
S Chaturvedi, A Gaur
Available at SSRN 1115963, 2008
Genetic underpinnings of transformational leadership: The mediating role of dispositional hope
S Chaturvedi, RD Arvey, Z Zhang, PT Christoforou
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 18 (4), 469-479, 2011
Interventions to improve employee health and well‐being within health care organizations: A systematic review
SP Williams, HT Malik, CR Nicolay, S Chaturvedi, A Darzi, S Purkayastha
Journal of Healthcare Risk Management 37 (4), 25-51, 2018
Examining the genetic basis of leadership
R Arvey, S Chaturvedi
Early Development and Leadership, 97-107, 2012
Relational Co‐ordination and Stigma at Work: How Frontline Employees Compensate for Failures in Public Health Systems
G George, S Chaturvedi, C Corbishley, R Atun
Journal of Management Studies 61 (3), 752-784, 2024
Examining the role of trait mindfulness on turnover intentions and job performance: The mediating role of emotional exhaustion.
J Narayanan, S Chaturvedi, JM Reb, E Srinivas
Mindfulness, 2014
Type A behavior patterns and personal values in developed and developing countries
EFJ Murphy, S Chaturvedi, RA Greenwood, JA Ruiz-Gutierrez, ...
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