Maurício H. C. Dias
Maurício H. C. Dias
Professor of Telecommunication Engineering, CEFET-RJ
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Density functional theory molecular simulation of thiophene adsorption on MoS2 including microwave effects
I Borges Jr, AM Silva, AP Aguiar, LEP Borges, JCA Santos, MHC Dias
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 822 (1-3), 80-88, 2007
Using the Coaxial Probe Method for Permittivity Measurements of Liquids at High Temperatures
JCA Santos, MHC Dias, AP Aguiar, IB Jr, LEP Borges
Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications …, 2009
On the use of wavelet-based denoising to improve power delay profile estimates from 1.8 GHz indoor wideband measurements
MHC Dias, GL Siqueira
Wireless Personal Communications 32, 153-175, 2005
Considerações sobre os Efeitos à Saúde Humana da Irradiação Emitida por Antenas de Estações Rádio-base de Sistemas Celulares
MHC Dias, GL Siqueira
Telecomunicações 5 (1), 41-54, 2002
Mobile indoor wide-band 1.8 GHz sounding: measurement-based time dispersion analysis
LH Macedo, MHC Dias, RD Vieira, JF Macedo, GL Siqueira
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2002. VTC Spring 2002. IEEE 55th 1, 375-379 …, 2002
An Empirical Model for Propagation Loss Through Tropical Woodland in Urban Areas at UHF
M Dias, M Assis
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on 59 (1), 333-335, 2011
Analysis of ITU‐R VHF/UHF propagation prediction methods performance on irregular terrains covered by forest
FM Costa, LAR Ramirez, MHC Dias
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 12 (8), 1450-1455, 2018
Path Loss Measurements of HF/VHF Land Links in a Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest Urban Site
MHC Dias, A Rotava, FG Andrade, RA Alem, MAK Melo, JCA Santos
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 10 (1), 1063-1067, 2011
Proficiency testing of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) labs in Brazil by measurement comparisons
JV Guimaraes, MHC Dias, JCA Dos Santos
Measurement Science and Technology 20 (11), 115107, 2009
A dual band steerable cell phones jammer
DSV Araujo, JCA Santos, MHC Dias
2007 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference …, 2007
Indoor 1.8 GHz AOA-TDOA measurements extending the use of a wideband propagation channel sounder with the synthetic aperture concept
MHC Dias, GL Siqueira
35th European Microwave Conference 2, 1191-1194, 2005
Estimação das respostas do canal real de propagação rádio-móvel nos domínios espacial e temporal
MHC Dias
Tese (Doutorado)–Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de …, 2003
On the performance of constrained adaptive algorithms for combined beamforming and AOA tracking of a moving target
RM de Castro, MHC Dias, JA Apolinario
SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwave and Optoelectronics …, 2005
A 99.95% linearity readout circuit with 72 dB dynamic range for active pixel sensors
ACMF Leonardo Bruno de Sá, Mauricio Henrique Costa Dias, Antoine Dupret
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 46 (9), 1580-1592, 2018
A compact IFA-based dual-band planar antenna for WiFi USB dongles
BR Franciscatto, H Adel, MHC Dias, TP Vuong
The 8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2014), 325-329, 2014
Selective RF power density measurements radiated by mobile telephony RBS in Rio de Janeiro city
SC da Cruz, MHC Dias, GL Siqueira
35th European Microwave Conference 3, 1671-1674, 2005
On the performance of new and classical approaches to AOA estimation for near-field acoustic waves
International Workshop on Telecommunications - IWT04, 147-152, 2004
Constrained Least Mean Square Algorithm with Coefficient Reusing
VSN Junior, MP Tcheou, MHC Dias, DB Haddad
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 40, 5705-5717, 2021
On the design of a dual-fed aperture-coupled circularly polarized microstrip patch antenna
MHC Dias, BR Franciscatto, EMB Nogueira, TP Vuong
2013 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave & Optoelectronics Conference …, 2013
Análise da sintonia de uma antena monopolo HF em viatura tática de comando e controle
MHC Dias, AC Silveira, MBT Dantas
XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais, 1-5, 2018
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Articles 1–20