How essential biodiversity variables and remote sensing can help national biodiversity monitoring P Vihervaara, AP Auvinen, L Mononen, M Törmä, P Ahlroth, S Anttila, ... Global Ecology and Conservation 10, 43-59, 2017 | 212 | 2017 |
Founder population size and number of source populations enhance colonization success in waterstriders P Ahlroth, RV Alatalo, A Holopainen, T Kumpulainen, J Suhonen Oecologia 137, 617-620, 2003 | 140 | 2003 |
Principles of ecological restoration of boreal forested ecosystems: Finland as an example T Kuuluvainen, K Aapala, P Ahlroth, M Kuusinen, T Lindholm, ... Silva Fennica 36 (1), 409-422, 2002 | 126 | 2002 |
Ant-associated beetles of Fennoscandia and Denmark J Päivinen, P Ahlroth, V Kaitala Entomologica Fennica 13 (1), 20–40-20–40, 2002 | 75 | 2002 |
Hot spots, indicator taxa, complementarity and optimal networks of taiga KM Virolainen, P Ahlroth, E Hyvärinen, E Korkeamäki, J Mattila, ... Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2000 | 72 | 2000 |
A molecular‐based identification resource for the arthropods of Finland T Roslin, P Somervuo, M Pentinsaari, PDN Hebert, J Agda, P Ahlroth, ... Molecular Ecology Resources 22 (2), 803-822, 2022 | 63 | 2022 |
Species richness and regional distribution of myrmecophilous beetles J Päivinen, P Ahlroth, V Kaitala, JS Kotiaho, J Suhonen, T Virola Oecologia 134, 587-595, 2003 | 43 | 2003 |
Anthropogenic disturbance and diversity of species: polypores and polypore-associated beetles in forest, forest edge and clear-cut VAO Selonen, P Ahlroth, JS Kotiaho Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 20 (S6), 49-58, 2005 | 41 | 2005 |
Dispersal and life-history differences between waterstrider (Aquarius najas) populations. 36 p.(98 p.) P AHLROTH Yhteenveto, 1999 | 37 | 1999 |
Species richness, abundance and distribution of myrmecophilous beetles in nests of Formica aquilonia ants J Päivinen, P Ahlroth, V Kaitala, J Suhonen Annales Zoologici Fennici, 447-454, 2004 | 36 | 2004 |
Suomen biodiversiteettistrategian ja toimintaohjelman 2012–2020 toteutuksen ja vaikutusten arviointi AP Auvinen, E Kemppainen, JP Jäppinen, J Heliölä, K Holmala, ... Valtioneuvoston kanslia, 2020 | 35 | 2020 |
Geographical variation in wing polymorphism of the waterstrider Aquarius najas (Heteroptera, Gerridae) Ahlroth, Alatalo, Hyvärinen, Suhonen Journal of Evolutionary Biology 12 (1), 156-160, 1999 | 32 | 1999 |
Soil fauna of deciduous forests as compared with spruce forests in central Finland V Huhta, M Räty, P Ahlroth, SM Hänninen, J Mattila, R Penttinen, ... Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 81, 52-70, 2005 | 29 | 2005 |
Reduced dispersal propensity in the wingless waterstrider Aquarius najas in a highly fragmented landscape P Ahlroth, RV Alatalo, J Suhonen Oecologia 162, 323-330, 2010 | 25 | 2010 |
Biotalousskenaarioiden mukaisten hakkuiden vaikutukset metsien monimuotoisuudelle tärkeisiin rakennepiirteisiin KT Korhonen, AP Auvinen, S Kuusela, P Punttila, O Salminen, J Siitonen, ... Luonnonvarakeskus, Luke, 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
New and interesting finds of Hemiptera in Finland 2 A Albrecht, G Söderman, V Rinne, K Mattila, I Mannerkoski, S Karjalainen, ... Sahlbergia 11 (2), 1-17, 2006 | 21 | 2006 |
How Essential Biodiversity Variables and remote sensing can help national biodiversity monitoring. Glob. Ecol. Conserv. 10, 43–59 P Vihervaara, AP Auvinen, L Mononen, M Törmä, P Ahlroth, S Anttila, ... | 20 | 2017 |
Copy-number fluctuation by unequal crossing-over in the chicken avidin gene family MK Ahlroth, P Ahlroth, MS Kulomaa Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 288 (2), 400-406, 2001 | 17 | 2001 |
Tietotaso ja kokemukset ekologisesta kompensaatiosta Suomessa M Pekkonen, T Ryttäri, A Belinskij, S Koljonen, H Mykrä, K Kostamo, ... ympäristöministeriö, 2020 | 14 | 2020 |
Metsät T Tonteri, P Ahlroth, M Hokkanen, M Lehtelä, A Alanen, S Hakalisto, ... Suomen luontotyyppien uhanalaisuus. Osa 1, Tulokset ja arvioinnin perusteet …, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |