Samuli Patala
Samuli Patala
Assistant Professor, Aalto University
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Sustainable value propositions: Framework and implications for technology suppliers
S Patala, A Jalkala, J Keränen, S Väisänen, V Tuominen, R Soukka
Industrial Marketing Management 59, 144-156, 2016
Analysing barriers to sustainable business model innovations: Innovation systems approach
M Laukkanen, S Patala
International Journal of Innovation Management 18 (06), 1440010, 2014
The darker side of sustainability: Tensions from sustainable business practices in business networks
N Tura, J Keränen, S Patala
Industrial Marketing Management 77, 221-231, 2019
Towards a broader perspective on the forms of eco-industrial networks
S Patala, S Hämäläinen, A Jalkala, HL Pesonen
Journal of cleaner production 82, 166-178, 2014
Legitimacy Under Institutional Change: How incumbents appropriate clean rhetoric for dirty technologies
S Patala, I Korpivaara, A Jalkala, A Kuitunen, B Soppe
Organization Studies, 2019
Multinational energy utilities in the energy transition: A configurational study of the drivers of FDI in renewables
S Patala, JK Juntunen, S Lundan, T Ritvala
Journal of International Business Studies, 1-21, 2021
Unpacking the circular economy: A problematizing review
T Dzhengiz, EM Miller, JP Ovaska, S Patala
International Journal of Management Reviews 25 (2), 270-296, 2023
Intermediation dilemmas in facilitated industrial symbiosis
S Patala, A Salmi, N Bocken
Journal of cleaner production 261, 121093, 2020
Polycentric Governance of Privately Owned Resources in Circular Economy Systems
S Patala, L Albareda, M Halme
Journal of Management Studies, 2022
Championing processes and the emergence of industrial symbiosis
L Kokoulina, L Ermolaeva, S Patala, P Ritala
Regional Studies 53 (4), 528-539, 2019
The role of cross‐sector partnerships in the dynamics between places and innovation ecosystems
T Dzhengiz, S Patala
R&D Management 54 (2), 370-397, 2024
Methods for reducing buyer perceived risk related to the adoption of technological innovations
S Patala, A Jalkala, R Soukka
International Journal of Procurement Management 7 (1), 71-84, 2014
Towards a Data-driven Circular Economy: Stakeholder Interviews
I Orko, L Heikkilä, J Häikiö, S Järvinen, M Karhu, J Klein, R Lantto, ...
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT Technology No 400, 2022
A framework for developing sustainable value propositions for industrial product-service systems
S Patala, A Jalkala, J Keränena, S Väisänen, V Tuominenc, R Soukka
IMP Conference, 29th, 2013
Kohti kestäviä liiketoiminta-ja yhteistyömalleja: Työkirja liiketoimintamallien suunnitteluun ja verkostojen rakentamiseen
M Laukkanen, S Patala
LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications-Raportit ja selvitykset, 2015
Developing sustainable value propositions in industrial markets–a case study
S Patala, A Jalkala, R Soukka, J Keränen
Work-in-progress paper presented in IMP Conference, 2012
Framing circular economy: a problematizing review of the assumptions
T Dzhengiz, E Miller, JP Ovaska, S Patala
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 10713-10713, 2021
Cleantechratkaisujen kaupallistaminen: yhteiskehityksestä arvon todentamiseen
A Jalkala, J Keränen, M Oinonen, S Patala
Tutkimusprojektin loppuraportti. Lappeenranta University of Technology …, 2014
In Search of Sustainability Gains from the Complementarity Between Value Creation, Value Proposition and Value Capture Elements of Circular Business Models
J Levänen, V Ranta, S Patala
Journal of Business Models 12 (2), 2024
Circular Economy and Management Theory: Developing Theoretical Underpinnings for an Emergent Concept
L Albareda, WS Ashton, P Bansal, H Chapardar, S Kennedy, RL Paquin, ...
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 15939, 2019
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