Friedrich Wahl
Friedrich Wahl
Professor für Informatik
Ei vahvistettua sähköpostiosoitetta
Document analysis system
KY Wong, RG Casey, FM Wahl
IBM journal of research and development 26 (6), 647-656, 1982
Block segmentation and text extraction in mixed text/image documents
FM Wahl, KY Wong, RG Casey
Computer graphics and image processing 20 (4), 375-390, 1982
Low-cost laser range scanner and fast surface registration approach
S Winkelbach, S Molkenstruck, FM Wahl
Pattern Recognition: 28th DAGM Symposium, Berlin, Germany, September 12-14 …, 2006
Online trajectory generation: Basic concepts for instantaneous reactions to unforeseen events
T Kröger, FM Wahl
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 26 (1), 94-111, 2009
Digitale Bildsignalverarbeitung: Grundlagen, Verfahren, Beispiele
F Wahl
Springer-Verlag, 2013
CT-based manual segmentation and evaluation of paranasal sinuses
S Pirner, K Tingelhoff, I Wagner, R Westphal, M Rilk, FM Wahl, F Bootz, ...
European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology 266, 507-518, 2009
Digital image signal processing
FM Wahl
(No Title), 1987
Automatic decomposition of planned assembly sequences into skill primitives
H Mosemann, FM Wahl
IEEE transactions on Robotics and Automation 17 (5), 709-718, 2001
Tracking control of a manipulator under uncertainty by FUZZY P+ ID controller
W Li, XG Chang, FM Wahl, J Farrell
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 122 (1), 125-137, 2001
Robot-assisted long bone fracture reduction
R Westphal, S Winkelbach, F Wahl, T Gösling, M Oszwald, T Hüfner, ...
The International Journal of Robotics Research 28 (10), 1259-1278, 2009
A coded light approach for depth map acquisition
FM Wahl
Mustererkennung 1986: 8. DAGM-Symposium Paderborn, 30. September–2. Oktober …, 1986
Executing assembly tasks specified by manipulation primitive nets
B Finkemeyer, T Kröger, FM Wahl
Advanced Robotics 19 (5), 591-611, 2005
A neuro-fuzzy system architecture for behavior-based control of a mobile robot in unknown environments
W Li, C Ma, FM Wahl
Fuzzy Sets and systems 87 (2), 133-140, 1997
Fast and robust range data acquisition in a low-cost environment
TG Stahs, FM Wahl
Close-Range Photogrammetry Meets Machine Vision 1395, 476-483, 1990
Comparison between manual and semi-automatic segmentation of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses from CT images
K Tingelhoff, AI Moral, ME Kunkel, M Rilk, I Wagner, KWG Eichhorn, ...
2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2007
Error-tolerant execution of complex robot tasks based on skill primitives
U Thomas, B Finkemeyer, T Kroger, FM Wahl
2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No …, 2003
Pairwise matching of 3D fragments using cluster trees
S Winkelbach, FM Wahl
International Journal of Computer Vision 78, 1-13, 2008
Robot-assisted fracture reduction: A preliminary study in the femur shaft
T Gosling, R Westphal, T Hufner, J Faulstich, M Kfuri, F Wahl, C Krettek
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 43, 115-120, 2005
Efficient, iterative, sensor based 3-D map building using rating functions in configuration space
E Kruse, R Gutsche, FM Wahl
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2 …, 1996
Forces and torques during fracture reduction: Intraoperative measurements in the femur
T Gösling, R Westphal, J Faülstich, K Sommer, F Wahl, C Krettek, ...
Journal of orthopaedic research 24 (3), 333-338, 2006
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