Politicization of migration in the countermedia style: A computational and qualitative analysis of populist discourse T Ylä-Anttila, G Bauvois, N Pyrhönen Discourse, Context & Media 32, 100326, 2019 | 56 | 2019 |
Conspiracies beyond fake news. Produsing reinformation on presidential elections in the transnational hybrid media system N Pyrhönen, G Bauvois Sociological Inquiry 90 (4), 705-731, 2020 | 43 | 2020 |
Soldiers of Odin as Peril or Protection? Hybrid Mediatization of Oppositional Framings on Anti-Immigration Responses to the ‘Refugee Crisis’ N Pyrhönen, G Bauvois, S Rosenström Nordiques, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Underdogs shepherding the flock—Discursive outgrouping of ‘the internal enemy’in online discussions G Bauvois, N Pyrhönen, J Pyysiäinen The Far-Right Discourse of Multiculturalism in Intergroup Interactions: A …, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
In search for unexpected allies? Radical right remediation of ‘the 2015 refugee crisis’ on social media G Bauvois, N Pyrhönen Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics: Populism, Disinformation and the …, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Mediating shame and pride: countermedia coverage of Independence Day in Poland and the US R Kazlauskaitė, N Pyrhönen, G Bauvois Emotions and Society 4 (2), 199-221, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
" France has never been and never will be a multicultural country:(Super)-diversity in Macron's France G Bauvois Migration-Muuttoliike 45 (2), 8-10, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Kansainvälisen muuttoliikkeen kriisit ja kriisikeskustelut: Poliittisten vaikuttajien muuttuva rooli maahanmuutto-ja kotoutumiskeskustelussa G Bauvois, N Pyrhönen | 1 | 2024 |
Immigration and welfare state “crisis”: the low hanging fruit of populist rhetoric G Bauvois Liikkeessä yli rajojen-blogi, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
Media and Migration in the Age of Post Truth Politics (policy brief) G Bauvois, N Pyrhönen, S Keskinen | | 2023 |
Media and Migration in the Age of Post Truth Politics G Bauvois, N Pyrhönen, S Keskinen Institute of International Affairs, 2023 | | 2023 |
Researcher dialogues: Episode 3: Alternative voices in the mainstream media J Stenberg-Sirén, G Bauvois, N Pyrhönen | | 2023 |
Forskarsamtal: Alternative voices in the mainstream media J Stenberg-Sirén, G Bauvois, N Pyrhönen | | 2023 |
(Good) Refugees Welcome! European Far-Right Responses to the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis G Bauvois Liikkeessä yli rajojen-blogi, 2022 | | 2022 |
Their shame and our pride: How the radical right uses emotions for political gain R Kazlauskaitė, G Bauvois Transforming Society, 2022 | | 2022 |
Eric Zemmour: the new face of the French extreme right G Bauvois Liikkeessä yli rajojen-blogi, 2022 | | 2022 |
Erikoisjulkaisu: Näkökulmia Ukrainan sodan aiheuttamaan pakolaisuuteen P Pirkkalainen, M Toivanen, G Bauvois, V Eskelinen Liikkeessä yli rajojen 31, 2022 | | 2022 |
War in Ukraine and perspectives on forced migration P Pirkkalainen, M Toivanen, G Bauvois, V Eskelinen | | 2022 |
COVID-19 pandemic: What has it meant for mobilities and inequalities? M Toivanen, P Pirkkalainen, G Bauvois, V Eskelinen Liikkeessä yli rajojen-blogi, 2021 | | 2021 |
COVID-19 pandemic: What has it meant for mobilities and inequalities? G Bauvois | | 2021 |