Elli Zavou
Cited by
Cited by
Privacy in trajectory micro-data publishing: a survey
M Fiore, P Katsikouli, E Zavou, M Cunche, F Fessant, D Le Hello, ...
Transactions on Data Privacy 13 (2), 91-149, 2020
Measuring the impact of adversarial errors on packet scheduling strategies
A Fernández Anta, C Georgiou, DR Kowalski, J Widmer, E Zavou
Journal of Scheduling 19, 135-152, 2016
Online parallel scheduling of non-uniform tasks: Trading failures for energy
AF Anta, C Georgiou, DR Kowalski, E Zavou
Theoretical Computer Science 590, 129-146, 2015
Competitive analysis of fundamental scheduling algorithms on a fault-prone machine and the impact of resource augmentation
AF Anta, C Georgiou, DR Kowalski, E Zavou
Future Generation Computer Systems 78, 245-256, 2018
Fault tolerant scheduling of tasks of two sizes under resource augmentation
DR Kowalski, PWH Wong, E Zavou
Journal of Scheduling, 1-17, 2017
Online parallel scheduling of non-uniform tasks: Trading failures for energy
A Fernández Anta, C Georgiou, DR Kowalski, E Zavou
Fundamentals of Computation Theory: 19th International Symposium, FCT 2013 …, 2013
Competitive analysis of task scheduling algorithms on a fault-prone machine and the impact of resource augmentation
A Fernández Anta, C Georgiou, DR Kowalski, E Zavou
Adaptive Resource Management and Scheduling for Cloud Computing: Second …, 2015
Adaptive packet scheduling over a wireless channel under constrained jamming
AF Anta, C Georgiou, DR Kowalski, E Zavou
Theoretical Computer Science 692, 72-89, 2017
Fault tolerant scheduling of non-uniform tasks under resource augmentation
DR Kowalski, PWH Wong, E Zavou
The 12th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling …, 2015
Privacy of trajectory micro-data: a survey. 2019
M Fiore, P Katsikouli, E Zavou, M Cunche, F Fessant, D Le Hello, ...
Packet scheduling over a wireless channel: AQT-based constrained jamming
AF Anta, C Georgiou, E Zavou
International Conference on Networked Systems, 230-245, 2015
Online Scheduling in Fault-prone Systems: Performance Optimization and Energy Efficiency
E Zavou
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2016
Online distributed scheduling on a fault-prone parallel system
E Zavou, AF Anta
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.05939, 2016
Adaptive scheduling over a wireless channel under constrained jamming
A Fernández Anta, C Georgiou, E Zavou
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications: 9th International Conference …, 2015
Ordonnancement en ligne pour les machines parallèles
E Zavou
ALGOTEL 2017-19èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques …, 2017
Measuring the impact of adversarial errors on packet scheduling strategies
AF Anta, C Georgiou, DR Kowalski, J Widmer, E Zavou
Journal of Scheduling 19 (2), 135-152, 2016
Measuring the impact of adversarial errors on packet scheduling strategies
AF Anta, C Georgiou, DR Kowalski, J Widmer, E Zavou
Journal of Scheduling 19 (2), 135-152, 2016
Asymptotic Competitive Analysis of Task Scheduling Algorithms on a Fault-Prone Machine
E Zavou
The 41st International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming …, 2014
Asymptotic Competitive Analysis of Task Scheduling Algorithms on a Fault-Prone Machine
A Fernández Anta, C Georgiou, DR Kowalski, E Zavou
The 1st Young Researcher Workshop on Automata, Languages and Programming (YR …, 2014
Knowledge is Power: Online Performance of Non-uniform Tasks in Fault-prone Environments
E Zavou
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Articles 1–20