Hannu Hyyppä
Hannu Hyyppä
Head of the Research Institute of Measuring and Modeling for the Built Env.
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
Review of methods of small‐footprint airborne laser scanning for extracting forest inventory data in boreal forests
J Hyyppä, H Hyyppä, D Leckie, F Gougeon, X Yu, M Maltamo
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (5), 1339-1366, 2008
Laser scanning of forest resources: the Nordic experience
E Næsset, T Gobakken, J Holmgren, H Hyyppä, J Hyyppä, M Maltamo, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 19 (6), 482-499, 2004
Accuracy comparison of various remote sensing data sources in the retrieval of forest stand attributes
J Hyyppä, H Hyyppä, M Inkinen, M Engdahl, S Linko, YH Zhu
Forest Ecology and Management 128 (1-2), 109-120, 2000
An international comparison of individual tree detection and extraction using airborne laser scanning
H Kaartinen, J Hyyppä, X Yu, M Vastaranta, H Hyyppä, A Kukko, ...
Remote Sensing 4 (4), 950-974, 2012
Individual tree biomass estimation using terrestrial laser scanning
V Kankare, M Holopainen, M Vastaranta, E Puttonen, X Yu, J Hyyppä, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 75, 64-75, 2013
Seamless mapping of river channels at high resolution using mobile LiDAR and UAV-photography
C Flener, M Vaaja, A Jaakkola, A Krooks, H Kaartinen, A Kukko, E Kasvi, ...
Remote sensing 5 (12), 6382-6407, 2013
Retrieval algorithms for road surface modelling using laser-based mobile mapping
A Jaakkola, J Hyyppä, H Hyyppä, A Kukko
Sensors 8 (9), 5238-5249, 2008
Algorithms and methods of airborne laser scanning for forest measurements
J Hyyppa
Proceedings of the ISPRS working group VIII/2" Laser-scanners for forest and …, 2004
Airborne laser scanning and digital stereo imagery measures of forest structure: Comparative results and implications to forest mapping and inventory update
M Vastaranta, MA Wulder, JC White, A Pekkarinen, S Tuominen, ...
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (5), 382-395, 2013
Advances in forest inventory using airborne laser scanning
J Hyyppä, X Yu, H Hyyppä, M Vastaranta, M Holopainen, A Kukko, ...
Remote sensing 4 (5), 1190-1207, 2012
Tree mapping using airborne, terrestrial and mobile laser scanning–A case study in a heterogeneous urban forest
M Holopainen, V Kankare, M Vastaranta, X Liang, Y Lin, M Vaaja, X Yu, ...
Urban forestry & urban greening 12 (4), 546-553, 2013
Comparison of laser and stereo optical, SAR and InSAR point clouds from air-and space-borne sources in the retrieval of forest inventory attributes
X Yu, J Hyyppä, M Karjalainen, K Nurminen, K Karila, M Vastaranta, ...
Remote Sensing 7 (12), 15933-15954, 2015
Retrieval of forest aboveground biomass and stem volume with airborne scanning LiDAR
V Kankare, M Vastaranta, M Holopainen, M Räty, X Yu, J Hyyppä, ...
Remote Sensing 5 (5), 2257-2274, 2013
Laser scanning applications in fluvial studies
J Hohenthal, P Alho, J Hyyppä, H Hyyppä
Progress in Physical Geography 35 (6), 782-809, 2011
Application of boat‐based laser scanning for river survey
P Alho, A Kukko, H Hyyppä, H Kaartinen, J Hyyppä, A Jaakkola
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2009
Radiometric calibration of LIDAR intensity with commercially available reference targets
S Kaasalainen, H Hyyppa, A Kukko, P Litkey, E Ahokas, J Hyyppa, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 47 (2), 588-598, 2008
Factors affecting the quality of DTM generation in forested areas
H Hyyppä, X Yu, J Hyyppä, H Kaartinen, S Kaasalainen, E Honkavaara, ...
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2005
Accuracy of kinematic positioning using global satellite navigation systems under forest canopies
H Kaartinen, J Hyyppä, M Vastaranta, A Kukko, A Jaakkola, X Yu, ...
Forests 6 (9), 3218-3236, 2015
Object Classification and Recognition From Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds in a Road Environment
M Lehtomaki, A Jaakkola, J Hyyppa, J Lampinen, H Kaartinen, A Kukko, ...
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, 1 - 14, 2015
Benchmarking the performance of mobile laser scanning systems using a permanent test field
H Kaartinen, J Hyyppä, A Kukko, A Jaakkola, H Hyyppä
Sensors 12 (9), 12814-12835, 2012
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