Jung-Joo Lee
Jung-Joo Lee
National University of Singapore, College of Design and Engineering
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Design choices framework for co-creation projects
JJ Lee, M Jaatinen, A Salmi, T Mattelmäki, R Smeds, M Holopainen
International Journal of Design 12 (2), 15-31, 2018
" It has to be a group work!" co-design with children
K Vaajakallio, JJ Lee, T Mattelmäki
ACM 8th international conference on interaction design and children, 246-249, 2009
Against method: The portability of method in human-centered design
JJ Lee
Aalto University, 2012
Facilitating dynamics of focus group interviews in East Asia: Evidence and tools by cross-cultural study
JJ Lee, KP Lee
International Journal of Design 3 (1), 2009
Fragile liaisons: Challenges in cross-organizational service networks and the role of design
J Hyvärinen, JJ Lee, T Mattelmäki
The Design Journal 18 (2), 249-268, 2015
The true benefits of designing design methods
JJ Lee
Artifact: Journal of Design Practice 3 (2), 5.1-5.12, 2014
Cultural differences and design methods for user experience research: Dutch and Korean participants compared
JJ Lee, KP Lee
Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Designing pleasurable products and …, 2007
The overlaps and boundaries between service design and user experience design
V Roto, JJ Lee, E Lai-Chong Law, J Zimmerman
ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021, 1915-1926, 2021
Co-design lessons with children
K Vaajakallio, T Mattelmäki, JJ Lee
interactions 17 (4), 26-29, 2010
Service co-design with the public sector: Challenges and opportunities in a healthcare context
K Vaajakallio, JJ Lee, J Kronqvist, T Mattelmäki
7th Conference of Include Asia. Retrieved October 30, 2015, 2013
Probing–two perspectives to participation
T Mattelmäki, A Lucero, JJ Lee
Collaboration in Creative Design: Methods and Tools, 33-51, 2016
Experience Design meets Service Design: Method Clash or Marriage?
V Roto, JJ Lee, T Mattelmäki, J Zimmerman
Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2018
'Phone apps know a lot about you!' educating early adolescents about informational privacy through a phygital interactive book
CEL Yap, JJ Lee
Proceedings of the ACM conference of Interaction Design and Children, 49-62, 2020
Frame failures and reframing dialogues in the public sector design projects
JJ Lee
International Journal of Design 14 (1), 81-94, 2020
New Design Tools
JJ Lee, S Park-Lee
Insight Books, 2018
How HCI interprets service design: A systematic literature review
CEL Yap, JJ Lee, V Roto
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2021: 18th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2021
How HCI Adopts Service Design: Unpacking current perceptions and scopes of service design in HCI and identifying future opportunities
JJ Lee, CEL Yap, V Roto
Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2022
Domestic appropriations of tokens to the web
JJ Lee, S Lindley, S Ylirisku, T Regan, M Nurminen, G Jacucci
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems, 53-62, 2014
Tracing situated effects of innovative design methods: inexperienced designers' practices
JJ Lee, K Vaajakallio, T Mattelmäki
Procedings of the Second Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design …, 2011
Towards democratization of digital twins: Design principles for transformation into a human-building interface
KS Lee, JJ Lee, C Aucremanne, I Shah, A Ghahramani
Building and Environment 244, 110771, 2023
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Articles 1–20