Frank A Biocca
Frank A Biocca
New Jersey Intitute of Technology
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Defining virtual reality: Dimensions determining telepresence
J Steuer
Communication in the age of virtual reality/Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates, 1995
Toward a more robust theory and measure of social presence: Review and suggested criteria
F Biocca, C Harms, JK Burgoon
Presence: Teleoperators & virtual environments 12 (5), 456-480, 2003
The cyborg's dilemma: Progressive embodiment in virtual environments
F Biocca
Journal of computer-mediated communication 3 (2), JCMC324, 1997
The effect of the agency and anthropomorphism on users’ sense of telepresence, copresence, and social presence in virtual environments
K Nowak
MIT Press, 2003
Virtual reality in neuroscience research and therapy
CJ Bohil, B Alicea, FA Biocca
Nature reviews neuroscience 12 (12), 752-762, 2011
Impact of 3-D advertising on product knowledge, brand attitude, and purchase intention: The mediating role of presence
H Li, T Daugherty, F Biocca
Journal of advertising 31 (3), 43-57, 2002
Telepresence via television: Two dimensions of telepresence may have different connections to memory and persuasion.
T Kim, F Biocca
Journal of computer-mediated communication 3 (2), JCMC325, 1997
A process model of the formation of spatial presence experiences
W Wirth, T Hartmann, S Böcking, P Vorderer, C Klimmt, H Schramm, ...
Media psychology 9 (3), 493-525, 2007
Communication in the age of virtual reality
F Biocca, MR Levy
Routledge, 2013
The elastic body image: The effect of television advertising and programming on body image distortions in young women
PN Myers Jr, FA Biocca
Journal of communication 42 (3), 108-133, 1992
Comparative effectiveness of augmented reality in object assembly
A Tang, C Owen, F Biocca, W Mou
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2003
Immersive virtual reality technology
F Biocca
Communication in the age of vitual reality/Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995
Characteristics of virtual experience in electronic commerce: A protocol analysis
H Li, T Daugherty, F Biocca
Journal of interactive Marketing 15 (3), 13-30, 2001
The networked minds measure of social presence: Pilot test of the factor structure and concurrent validity
F Biocca, C Harms, J Gregg
4th annual international workshop on presence, Philadelphia, PA, 1-9, 2001
Does home internet use influence the academic performance of low-income children?
LA Jackson, A Von Eye, FA Biocca, G Barbatsis, Y Zhao, HE Fitzgerald
Developmental psychology 42 (3), 429, 2006
Defining and measuring social presence: Contribution to the networked minds theory and measure
F Biocca, C Harms
Proceedings of PRESENCE 2002, 7-36, 2002
Mec spatial presence questionnaire
P Vorderer, W Wirth, FR Gouveia, F Biocca, T Saari, L Jäncke, S Böcking, ...
Retrieved Sept 18 (2004), 2015, 2004
Internal consistency and reliability of the networked minds measure of social presence
C Harms, F Biocca
Seventh annual international workshop: Presence 2004, 2004
A survey of position trackers
K Meyer, HL Applewhite, FA Biocca
Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 1 (2), 173-200, 1992
Communication within virtual reality: Creating a space for research
F Biocca
Journal of communication 42, 5-5, 1992
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Articles 1–20