Anastasiia Gurzhii
Cited by
Cited by
Digital platform for maritime port ecosystem: Port of Hamburg case
N Kapkaeva, A Gurzhiy, S Maydanova, A Levina
Transportation Research Procedia 54, 909-917, 2021
Port and city integration: transportation aspect
A Gurzhiy, S Kalyazina, S Maydanova, R Marchenko
Transportation Research Procedia 54, 890-899, 2021
Blockchain enabled digital transformation: a systematic literature review
A Gurzhii, AKMN Islam, AKMB Haque, V Marella
IEEE Access 10, 79584-79605, 2022
Architecture of the maritime logistics ecosystem of the Northern Sea Route: vision and gap
I Ilin, A Levina, A Gurzhiy, A Borremans
Arctic Maritime Logistics: The Potentials and Challenges of the Northern Sea …, 2022
A systematic mapping study of empirical research methods in software ecosystems
L Abdullai, H Shamshiri, H Mahmud, M Hamza, E Aittamaa, J Vuolasto, ...
International Conference on Software Business, 182-195, 2022
Understanding the Challenges Surrounding Decentralized Applications: An Empirical Study
A Gurzhii, N Islam, V Marella
Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, 277-293, 2023
Blockchain Adoption Decision-Making Process in Business: An Empirical Study
A Gurzhii, N Islam, M Tuape
Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, 166-182, 2023
Predictive Analytics at an Oil and Gas Company: The Rosneft Case
A Gurzhiy, K Paardenkooper, A Borremans
Algorithms and Solutions Based on Computer Technology: 5th Scientific …, 2022
Анализ стандартов и методологии планирования архитектуры предприятия
НН Коронатов, ИВ Ильин, АЕ Гуржий
Kant, 64-71, 2021
Blockchain in Digital World: Establishing New Trust Models in the Recruiting Domain
A Gurzhii, N Islam
Designing GDPR Compliant Credential Verification using Blockchain: A Design Science Research Approach
J Parkkila, AKM Haque, J Vuolasto, A Gurzhii, S Hyrynsalmi, N Islam
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Articles 1–11