Hannu Salminen
Hannu Salminen
researcher, Luke (Natural Resources Institute Finland)
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa - Kotisivu
Models for predicting stand development in MELA system
J Hynynen, R Ojansuu, H Hökkä, J Siipilehto, H Salminen, P Haapala
Metsäntutkimuslaitos, 2002
LIGNUM: a tree model based on simple structural units
J Perttunen, RS Änen, E Nikinmaa, H Salminen, H Saarenmaa
Annals of botany 77 (1), 87-98, 1996
Spatially dynamic forest management to sustain biodiversity and economic returns
M Mönkkönen, A Juutinen, A Mazziotta, K Miettinen, D Podkopaev, ...
Journal of environmental management 134, 80-89, 2014
Reusing legacy FORTRAN in the MOTTI growth and yield simulator
H Salminen, M Lehtonen, J Hynynen
Computers and electronics in agriculture 49 (1), 103-113, 2005
Timing and intensity of precommercial thinning in Pinus sylvestris stands
M Varmola, H Salminen
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 19 (2), 142-151, 2004
Long-term impacts of forest management on biomass supply and forest resource development: a scenario analysis for Finland
J Hynynen, H Salminen, A Ahtikoski, S Huuskonen, R Ojansuu, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 134, 415-431, 2015
Modeling mortality of individual trees in drained peatland sites in Finland
S Jutras, H Hökkä, V Alenius, H Salminen
Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2003
Modelling the effect of temperature on height increment of Scots pine at high latitudes
H Salminen, R Jalkanen
Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2005
Scenario analysis for the biomass supply potential and the future development of Finnish forest resources
J Hynynen, H Salminen, A Ahtikoski, S Huuskonen, R Ojansuu, ...
Finnish Forest Research Institute, 2014
Potential trade-offs between nature-based tourism and forestry, a case study in Northern Finland
A Ahtikoski, S Tuulentie, V Hallikainen, V Nivala, E Vatanen, L Tyrväinen, ...
Forests 2 (4), 894-912, 2011
Conflicting objectives in production forests pose a challenge for forest management
T Pohjanmies, M Trivino, E Le Tortorec, H Salminen, M Mönkkönen
Ecosystem Services 28, 298-310, 2017
Predicting the need for ditch network maintenance in drained peatland sites in Finland.
H Hökkä, V Alenius, H Salminen
Intra-annual height increment of Pinus sylvestris at high latitudes in Finland
H Salminen, R Jalkanen
Tree physiology 27 (9), 1347-1353, 2007
A 250-year-long height-increment chronology for Pinus sylvestris at the northern coniferous timberline: A novel tool for reconstructing past summer temperatures?
M Pensa, H Salminen, R Jalkanen
Dendrochronologia 22 (2), 75-81, 2005
Influence of initial spacing and planting design on the development of young Scots pine
H Salminen, M Varmola
Silva Fennica 27 (1), 21-28, 1993
Global warming potentials of stemwood used for energy and materials in Southern Finland: differentiation of impacts based on type of harvest and product lifetime
T Helin, H Salminen, J Hynynen, S Soimakallio, S Huuskonen, K Pingoud
Gcb Bioenergy 8 (2), 334-345, 2016
Evaluating estimation methods for logistic regression in modelling individual-tree mortality.
V Alenius, H Hökkä, H Salminen, S Jutras
Modelling forest systems. Workshop on the interface between reality …, 2003
Survival and early development of lodgepole pine
M Varmola, H Salminen, R Rikala, M Kerkelä
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 15 (4), 410-423, 2000
Summer temperature affects the ratio of radial and height growthof Scots pine in northern Finland
H Salminen, R Jalkanen, M Lindholm
Annals of Forest Science 66 (8), 810, 2009
The height-increment record of summer temperature extended over the last millennium in Fennoscandia
M Lindholm, R Jalkanen, H Salminen, T Aalto, M Ogurtsov
The Holocene 21 (2), 319-326, 2011
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