Shaan Cory
Cited by
Cited by
Net Zero energy solar buildings: an overview and analysis on worldwide building projects
E Musall, T Weiss, A Lenoir, K Voss, F Garde, M Donn
EuroSun conference, 7-8, 2010
Design of net zero energy buildings: feedback from international projects
F Garde, A Lenoir, A Scognamiglio, D Aelenei, D Waldren, HN Rostvik, ...
Energy Procedia 61, 995-998, 2014
Users' behavior and energy performances of net zero energy buildings
A Lenoir, S Cory, M Donn, F Garde
Building energy end-use study (BEES) Part 1: final report
L Amitrano, N Isaacs, K Saville-Smith, M Donn, M Camilleri, A Pollard, ...
Judgeford, Wellington, 2014
An exploration of the feasibility of converting the New Zealand commercial building stock to be Net Zero Energy
S Cory
Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington, 2021
Formulating a building climate classification method
S Cory, A Lenoir, M Donn
Building Simulation 2011 12, 1662-1669, 2011
Comparison of NZ’s energy efficiency regulation and verification assumptions to real building loads and operation
S Cory, M Donn, A Pollard
Buildings 5 (1), 116-129, 2015
Optimisation methodology for the design of solar shading for thermal and visual comfort in tropical climates
A Lenoir, S Cory, M Donn, F Garde
Building Simulation 2013 13, 3086-3095, 2013
How to design a net zero energy building? Solution sets and casestudies: Experience and feedback of the IEA task 40/annex52
F Garde, A Lenoir, A Scognamiglio, D Aelenei, D Waldren, HN Rostvik, ...
International Energy Agency, 2015
BEES Part 1: Final Report Building Energy End-Use Study SR 297/1
L Amitrano, N Isaacs, K Saville-Smith, M Donn, M Camilleri, A Pollard, ...
Judgeford, New Zealnd: BRANZ, 2014
The creation of generic energy simulation models which represent typical commercial buildings and their calibration against real energy data
S Cory, A Gates, M Donn
Proceedings of 12th Conference of International Building Performance …, 2011
Use of net zero energy solution sets for the redesign of the reunion island ENERPOS building in Christchurch
S Yip, S Cory
Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings: An Overview and Analysis on worldwide Building Projects. EuroSun Conference 2010
E Musall, T Weiß, K Voss, A Lenoir, M Donn, S Cory, F Garde
T Creswell-Wells, M Donn, S Cory
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Articles 1–14