Niina Nurmi
Niina Nurmi
Assistant Professor of Organizational Design and Leadership at Aalto University
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Cited by
Coping with coping strategies: How distributed teams and their members deal with the stress of distance, time zones and culture
N Nurmi
Stress and Health 27 (2), 123-143, 2011
Job complexity and learning opportunities: A silver lining in the design of global virtual work
N Nurmi, PJ Hinds
Journal of International Business Studies 47, 631-654, 2016
Work design for global professionals: Connectivity demands, connectivity behaviors, and their effects on psychological and behavioral outcomes
N Nurmi, PJ Hinds
Organization Studies 41 (12), 1697-1724, 2020
Unpacking virtual work's dual effects on employee well-being: An integrative review and future research agenda
NS Hill, C Axtell, S Raghuram, N Nurmi
Journal of management 50 (2), 752-792, 2024
The emotional benefits and performance costs of building a psychologically safe language climate in MNCs
N Nurmi, J Koroma
Journal of World Business 55 (4), 101093, 2020
When a one-hour time difference is too much: Temporal boundaries in global virtual work
A Sivunen, N Nurmi, J Koroma
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 511-520, 2016
Virtual meeting fatigue: Exploring the impact of virtual meetings on cognitive performance and active versus passive fatigue.
N Nurmi, S Pakarinen
Journal of occupational health psychology, 2023
Who shouts louder? Exerting power across distance and culture
N Nurmi, P Bosch-Sijtsema, A Sivunen, R Fruchter
Proceedings of the 2009 international workshop on Intercultural …, 2009
Work stressors related to geographic distance and electronic dependence in virtual teams
N Nurmi
International Journal of Business and Systems Research 4 (3), 311-329, 2010
Unique stressors of cross-cultural collaboration through ICTs in virtual teams
N Nurmi
Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers: International …, 2009
The Vitality Paradox: Rising Tensions between Individual-and Team Coping during Forced Virtual Work
ES Nordbäck, N Nurmi, J Gibbs, M Boyraz, MK Logemann
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 14314, 2021
The multilevel well‐being paradox: Towards an integrative process theory of coping in teams
E Nordbäck, N Nurmi, JL Gibbs, M Boyraz, M Logemann
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2024
World-wide work stress multi-case study of the stress-coping process in distributed work
N Nurmi
Aalto-yliopiston teknillinen korkeakoulu, 2010
Positiivinen visio tulevaisuuden työlle
N Nurmi, J Äkräs
Työn tuuli 2, 12-18, 2019
Organizational context and climate for virtual work
E Nordbäck, N Nurmi
Handbook of virtual work, 363-383, 2023
Yhtiöittäminen kuntaorganisaatiossa: kohti tehokkaampaa tulevaisuutta?: case: kunnallinen terveysalan organisaatio
N Nurmi
Creating value in project-based multidisciplinary design courses
K Castren, S Celik, TA Björklund, N Nurmi
ASEE Annual Conference, 2020
Accepting, justifying, and resisting identity separation: Disidentification processes during layoffs
R Ronnqvist, TO Vuori, N Nurmi
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 14807, 2020
Promoting well-being in virtual work
J Gibbs, NS Hill, EE Kossek, N Nurmi
Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 10956, 2019
Coping stress in global and Finnish virtual teams
N Nurmi
HRM Global 2008, Turku, Finland, 27th-29th August 2008, 199-208, 2008
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Articles 1–20