Yang Hong
Yang Hong
Civil Engineering Environmental Science & Remote Sensing and GIS
Vahvistettu sähköpostiosoite verkkotunnuksessa
The TRMM multisatellite precipitation analysis (TMPA): Quasi-global, multiyear, combined-sensor precipitation estimates at fine scales
GJ Huffman, DT Bolvin, EJ Nelkin, DB Wolff, RF Adler, G Gu, Y Hong, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 8 (1), 38-55, 2007
Precipitation estimation from remotely sensed imagery using an artificial neural network cloud classification system
Y Hong, KL Hsu, S Sorooshian, X Gao
Journal of Applied Meteorology 43 (12), 1834-1853, 2004
Spatio-temporal dynamics and evolution of land use change and landscape pattern in response to rapid urbanization
JS Deng, K Wang, Y Hong, JG Qi
Landscape and urban planning 92 (3-4), 187-198, 2009
Evaluation of TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) and its utility in hydrologic prediction in the La Plata Basin
F Su, Y Hong, DP Lettenmaier
Journal of hydrometeorology 9 (4), 622-640, 2008
Evaluation of GPM Day-1 IMERG and TMPA Version-7 legacy products over Mainland China at multiple spatiotemporal scales
G Tang, Y Ma, D Long, L Zhong, Y Hong
Journal of hydrology 533, 152-167, 2016
A global landslide catalog for hazard applications: method, results, and limitations
DB Kirschbaum, R Adler, Y Hong, S Hill, A Lerner-Lam
Natural Hazards 52, 561-575, 2010
Have satellite precipitation products improved over last two decades? A comprehensive comparison of GPM IMERG with nine satellite and reanalysis datasets
G Tang, MP Clark, SM Papalexiou, Z Ma, Y Hong
Remote sensing of environment 240, 111697, 2020
Vegetation greening and climate change promote multidecadal rises of global land evapotranspiration
K Zhang, JS Kimball, RR Nemani, SW Running, Y Hong, JJ Gourley, Z Yu
Scientific reports 5 (1), 15956, 2015
Drought and flood monitoring for a large karst plateau in Southwest China using extended GRACE data
D Long, Y Shen, A Sun, Y Hong, L Longuevergne, Y Yang, B Li, L Chen
Remote Sensing of Environment 155, 145-160, 2014
Statistical and hydrological evaluation of TRMM-based Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis over the Wangchu Basin of Bhutan: Are the latest satellite precipitation products …
X Xue, Y Hong, AS Limaye, JJ Gourley, GJ Huffman, SI Khan, C Dorji, ...
Journal of Hydrology 499, 91-99, 2013
Satellite remote sensing and hydrologic modeling for flood inundation mapping in Lake Victoria basin: Implications for hydrologic prediction in ungauged basins
SI Khan, Y Hong, J Wang, KK Yilmaz, JJ Gourley, RF Adler, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 49 (1), 85-95, 2010
Hydrologic evaluation of Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis standard precipitation products in basins beyond its inclined latitude band: A case study in Laohahe basin, China
B Yong, LL Ren, Y Hong, JH Wang, JJ Gourley, SH Jiang, X Chen, ...
Water Resources Research 46 (7), 2010
Comprehensive evaluation of multi-satellite precipitation products with a dense rain gauge network and optimally merging their simulated hydrological flows using the Bayesian …
S Jiang, L Ren, Y Hong, B Yong, X Yang, F Yuan, M Ma
Journal of Hydrology 452, 213-225, 2012
Use of satellite remote sensing data in the mapping of global landslide susceptibility
Y Hong, R Adler, G Huffman
Natural hazards 43, 245-256, 2007
Global analysis of spatiotemporal variability in merged total water storage changes using multiple GRACE products and global hydrological models
D Long, Y Pan, J Zhou, Y Chen, X Hou, Y Hong, BR Scanlon, ...
Remote sensing of environment 192, 198-216, 2017
Have GRACE satellites overestimated groundwater depletion in the Northwest India Aquifer?
D Long, X Chen, BR Scanlon, Y Wada, Y Hong, VP Singh, Y Chen, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 24398, 2016
Evaluation of PERSIANN-CCS rainfall measurement using the NAME event rain gauge network
Y Hong, D Gochis, J Cheng, K Hsu, S Sorooshian
Journal of Hydrometeorology 8 (3), 469-482, 2007
Uncertainty quantification of satellite precipitation estimation and Monte Carlo assessment of the error propagation into hydrologic response
Y Hong, K Hsu, H Moradkhani, S Sorooshian
Water resources research 42 (8), 2006
The coupled routing and excess storage (CREST) distributed hydrological model
J Wang, Y Hong, L Li, JJ Gourley, SI Khan, KK Yilmaz, RF Adler, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 56 (1), 84-98, 2011
Statistical and hydrological comparisons between TRMM and GPM level-3 products over a midlatitude basin: Is day-1 IMERG a good successor for TMPA 3B42V7?
G Tang, Z Zeng, D Long, X Guo, B Yong, W Zhang, Y Hong
Journal of Hydrometeorology 17 (1), 121-137, 2016
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