Amruta Vidwans
Amruta Vidwans
Machine Learning Engineer, Spotify
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Cited by
Objective descriptors for the assessment of student music performances
A Vidwans, S Gururani, CW Wu, V Subramanian, RV Swaminathan, ...
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2017 AES International Conference on …, 2017
Towards the objective assessment of music performances
CW Wu, S Gururani, C Laguna, A Pati, A Vidwans, A Lerch
Proc. of the International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition …, 2016
Classification of indian classical vocal styles from melodic contours
A Vidwans, KK Ganguli, P Rao
Serra X, Rao P, Murthy H, Bozkurt B, editors. Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2012
Identifying Indian classical music styles using melodic contours
A Vidwans, P Rao
Proc. of Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music, Gurgaon, India, 2012
Classifying Cultural Music using Melodic Features
A Vidwans, P Verma, P Rao
Proc. of SPCOM, 2020
Speech Bandwidth Expansion For Speaker Recognition On Telephony Audio.
G Sivaraman, A Vidwans, E Khoury
Odyssey, 440-445, 2020
Detecting Indian Classical Vocal Styles from Melodic Contours
A Vidwans, KK Ganguli, P Rao
2nd Compmusic Workshop, 2012
Z-vectors: speaker embeddings from raw audio using sincnet, extended CNN architecture and in-network augmentation techniques
E Khoury, G Sivaraman, T Chen, A Vidwans
US Patent 11,715,460, 2023
Imaging Spectroscopy Processing Environment on the Cloud (ImgSPEC): A Prototype of an Open Science, Scalable Processing Environment
EN Stavros, P Townsend, H Hua, S Shah, N Malarout, W Olson-Duvall, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Casden: An Early Detection System for Emerging Forest Pests and Pathogens
S Wegmueller, A Vidwans, PA Townsend
AGU Fall Meeting 2021, 2021
Audio segmentation based on melodic style with hand-crafted features and with convolutional neural networks
A Vidwans, N Deo, P Rao
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.11138, 2018
Detection of Taan Sections in Khayal Vocal Concerts
A Vidwans
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2015
Melodic Style Detection in Hindustani Music
A Vidwans, P Verma, P Rao
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Articles 1–13